Effects of supplemental irrigation at key growth stages on soybean yield and water productivity in arid area of northern Shaanxi
中文关键词:  大豆  补充灌溉  蒸散量  干物质积累与转运  产量  水分生产力
英文关键词:soybean  supplementary irrigation  evapotranspiration  dry matter accumulation and translocation  yield  water productivity
孙涛 西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
曹红霞 西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
万宇 榆林市农业技术服务中心陕西 榆林 719000 
马丽娜 榆林市农业技术服务中心陕西 榆林 719000 
艾玉玉 榆林市农业技术服务中心陕西 榆林 719000 
李志军 西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
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      为探究关键生育期补灌对陕北旱作区大豆生长、产量与水分生产力的影响,开展为期两年的田间试验,设置6个处理:分枝期补灌至田间持水量(θf)的80%(BI80)、分枝期补灌至100% θf(BI100)、开花期补灌至 100% θf(FI100)、分枝期补灌至80% θf+开花期补灌至100% θf(BI80+FI100)、分枝期补灌至100% θf +开花期补灌至100% θf(BI100+FI100)和出苗后雨养(CK),探究分枝期和开花期补灌对大豆株高、叶面积指数(LAI)、土壤储水量(SWS)、蒸散量及其生育期分配、干物质积累与转运、产量(SY)、水分生产力(Wp)和灌溉水利用效率(IWUE)的影响。结果表明:与雨养处理相比,BI80+FI100可以获得适宜的株高和LAI,并同步提高花前、花后干物质积累与转运量,其中SY显著提高28.03%~38.71%(P<0.05),Wp显著提高3.80%~13.51%。分枝期将补灌上限从80% θf增至100% θf,可引起LAI冗长,加速土壤水分消耗,造成花后SWS和蒸散量下降,降低了花后干物质积累与转运量,与BI100+FI100相比,BI80+ FI100SY无显著差异,且其Wp较BI100+FI100提高1.23%~9.33%,IWUE显著提高37.69%~60.20%(P<0.05),灌水量较BI100+FI100减少18.54%~20.21%。在BI80+FI100处理下,LAI介于6.66~7.48,ETa/ETb稳定在0.85~1.04,花后干物质贡献率稳定在80.78%~81.07%,均处于适宜范围,实现了当季最高SYWpIWUE。综上所述,BI80+FI100处理可以平衡营养生长与生殖生长的水分供需矛盾,为大豆提供一个更稳定和高效的生产环境,推荐在陕北旱作农业区采用该补灌制度。
      To investigate the effects of supplementary irrigation during critical growth stages on the growth, yield, and water productivity of soybeans in the dryland farming areas of northern Shaanxi, a two\|year field experiment was conducted with six treatments: irrigation to 80% of field capacity (θf) at branching stage (BI80), irrigation to 100% θf at branching stage (BI100), irrigation to 100% θf at flowering stage (FI100), irrigation to 80% θf at branching stage followed by irrigation to 100% θf at flowering stage (BI80+FI100), irrigation to 100% θf at branching stage followed by irrigation to 100% θf at flowering stage (BI100+FI100), and rainfed control (CK). The effects of branching and flowering stage irrigation on soybean plant height, leaf area index (LAI), soil water storage (SWS), evapotranspiration, biomass accumulation and translocation, yield (SY), water productivity (Wp), and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) were examined. The results showed that compared to the rainfed control, BI80+FI100 treatment resulted in appropriate plant height and LAI, along with increased pre\|flowering and post\|flowering biomass translocation. SY was significantly increased by 28.03% to 38.71% compared to CK (P<0.05), and Wp was increased by 3.80% to 13.51% compared to CK. Increasing the upper limit of irrigation from 80% θf to 100% θf at branching stage led to prolonged LAI, accelerated soil water consumption, decreased post\|flowering SWS and evapotranspiration, and reduced post\|flowering biomass accumulation and translocation. Compared to BI100+FI100, there was no significant difference in SY for BI80+FI100. However, Wp increased by 1.23% to 9.33%, and IWUE significantly improved by 37.69% to 60.20% (P<0.05), with irrigation water reduced by 18.54% to 20.21% compared to BI100+FI100. Under the BI80+FI100 treatment, LAI ranged from 6.66 to 7.48, ETa/ETb stabilized between 0.85 and 1.04, and the post\|flowering biomass contribution rate remained steady at 80.78% to 81.07%. These values were within suitable ranges, resulting in the highest SY, Wp, and IWUE of the season. The BI80+FI100 treatment effectively balanced water supply and demand for both the nutritional and reproductive growth of soybeans, creating a more stable and efficient production environment. This approach is recommended for adoption in dryland farming areas of northern Shaanxi.
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