徐子翔,董莉霞,李广,燕振刚,王钧,聂志刚,逯玉兰.基于EFAST方法的APSIM模型N2O排放的全局敏感性分析[J].干旱地区农业研究,2024,(6):244~251 |
基于EFAST方法的APSIM模型N2O排放的全局敏感性分析 |
Global sensitivity analysis of N2O emission of APSIM model based on EFAST method |
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2024.06.25 |
中文关键词: 春小麦 EFAST方法 APSIM模型 N2O排放 敏感性分析 |
英文关键词:spring wheat EFAST method APSIM model N2O emission sensitive analysis |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(32360438);甘肃省重点研究发展计划项目(22YF7FA116);甘肃省财政专项(GSCZZ 20160909) |
摘要点击次数: 59 |
全文下载次数: 54 |
中文摘要: |
为定量讨论APSIM模型中各类参数对旱作麦田N2O气体排放的影响,于2019—2021年以‘定西35号’春小麦为研究对象,采用扩展傅里叶幅度检验法,对影响春小麦模型输出的各类参数敏感性进行分析,重点探讨模型输入对作物品种参数、气象参数、土壤参数及管理参数变化对模型输出的影响。结果表明:对春小麦排放N2O气体指数影响最敏感的作物品种参数为出苗到拔节期积温,其次是初花期积温、灌浆期积温、春化敏感性指数、潜在灌浆速率、光周期作物敏感指数;气象参数对排放N2O气体指数影响最敏感的是日最高温度,其次是降雨量、日最低温度;土壤参数对排放N2O气体指数影响最敏感的是田间持水量,其次是土壤容重、小麦萎蔫系数、小麦吸水系数;管理参数对排放N2O气体指数影响最敏感的是施氮量。运用扩展傅里叶幅度检验法可快速筛选出模型敏感参数,简化参数率定过程。 |
英文摘要: |
To quantitatively discuss the impact of various parameters in the APSIM model on N2O gas emissions from dryland wheat fields, the spring wheat variety ‘Dingxi 35’ from 2019 to 2021 was selected as the research object. The Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test method was used to analyze the sensitivity of various parameters affecting the model output of spring wheat, focusing on the influence of model inputs on crop variety parameters, meteorological parameters, soil parameters, and management parameters on the model output. The results indicated that the most sensitive crop variety parameter affecting the N2O gas emission index of spring wheat was the accumulated temperature from emergence to jointing stage, followed by the accumulated temperature at the initial flowering stage, the accumulated temperature at the filling stage, vernalization sensitivity index, potential filling rate, and photoperiod sensitivity index. Among meteorological parameters, the most sensitive to the N2O gas emission index is the daily maximum temperature, followed by rainfall and daily minimum temperature. For soil parameters, the most sensitive to the N2O gas emission index was the field capacity, followed by soil bulk density, wheat wilting coefficient, and wheat water absorption coefficient. Among management parameters, the most sensitive to the N2O gas emission index was the amount of fertilizer applied. The EFAST method can quickly screen sensitive parameters of the model and simplify the parameter calibration process. |
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