Effects of row spacing, reflective film mulching and nitrogen fertilizer on sorghum yield and quality
中文关键词:  高粱  种植行距  覆反光膜  氮肥  产量  品质
英文关键词:sorghum  row spacing  reflective film mulching  nitrogenous fertilizer  yield  quality
屈洋 宝鸡市农业科学研究院陕西 岐山 722499 
马雯 宝鸡市农业科学研究院陕西 岐山 722499 
刘晓婷 宝鸡市农业科学研究院陕西 岐山 722499 
薛玉莹 宝鸡市农业科学研究院陕西 岐山 722499 
余陇辉 陇县农业技术推广服务中心陕西 陇县 721200 
王可珍 宝鸡市农业科学研究院陕西 岐山 722499 
张永利 陕西西凤酒股份有限公司陕西 柳林 716009 
高小丽 西北农林科技大学农学院陕西 杨凌 712100 
冯佰利 西北农林科技大学农学院陕西 杨凌 712100 
摘要点击次数: 79
全文下载次数: 53
      以‘辽杂52’高粱为试验材料,于2021—2022年采用三因素裂区设计进行田间试验,主区为种植行距:50 cm(A1)、60 cm(A2);裂区为是否覆反光膜:不覆反光膜(B1)、覆反光膜(B2);裂裂区为氮肥施用量:150 kg·hm-2(C1)、300 kg·hm-2(C2)、450 kg·hm-2(C3),探究不同处理对高粱光合参数、产量和籽粒品质的影响。结果表明:行距增加可提高高粱抽穗期、灌浆期和蜡熟期的叶片SPAD值和Pn,覆反光膜和施氮能提高高粱各生育时期的叶片SPAD值和Pn。行距60 cm较行距50 cm处理高粱产量年均增加5.12%,覆反光膜较不覆反光膜处理高粱产量年均增加7.73%,高氮(450 kg·hm-2)水平下高粱产量最高(年均6 807.0 kg·hm-2),较其他施氮水平增加3.90%~9.48%。行距增加和覆反光膜使高粱籽粒蛋白质含量分别提高6.94%和2.84%,高氮肥水平下籽粒蛋白质含量较其余施氮处理平均提高2.50%;行距增加和覆反光膜处理下高粱籽粒淀粉含量分别提高1.75%和0.70%,高氮肥水平下籽粒淀粉含量较其余施氮处理平均提高3.85%。综上所述,行距60 cm、覆反光膜和拔节期追施氮肥450 kg·hm-2处理能更好地利用光热资源、改善叶片光合性能,是提高关中西部地区高粱产量和籽粒品质的有效栽培方式。
      A field experiment on the sorghum variety ‘Liaoza 52’ was conducted in 2021-2022 to investigate the effects of row spacing, reflective film mulching, and nitrogen fertilizer on its photosynthetic characteristics, yield, and quality. The experiment used a three\|factor split\|plot design with varying row spacings (50 cm for A1 and 60 cm for A2), reflective film treatments (no mulching for B1 and mulching for B2), and nitrogen fertilizer levels (150 kg·hm-2 for C1, 300 kg·hm-2 for C2, and 450 kg·hm-2 for C3). The results showed that experimental factors and their interaction effect had the significant effect on sorghum yield (P<0.05). The row spacing of 60 cm yield increased by 5.12% than that of row spacing of 50 cm, yield of reflective film mulching increased by 7.73% than that of no reflective film mulching, and C3 yield was the highest with 6 807.0 kg·hm-2 and increased by 3.90%~9.48% than that of others. Experimental factors and their interaction had the significant effect on the SPAD value and Pn of sorghum leaf. Enlarge row spacing increased the SPAD value and Pn of the sorghum leaf in the heading stage, postulation stage, and dough stage, and reflective film mulching, and nitrogen fertilizer increased the SPAD value and Pn of the sorghum leaf in the tested stage. Enlarge row spacing and reflective film mulching increased sorghum seed protein content by 6.94% and 2.84%, respectively. Sorghum seed protein content of C3 was increased by 2.50% than that of others. Enlarge row spacing and reflective film mulching increased sorghum seed starch content by 1.75% and 0.70%, respectively. Sorghum seed starch content of C3 was increased by 3.85% than that of others. However, increased row spacing, the use of reflective film mulching, and nitrogen fertilizer resulted in a reduction in the fat content of sorghum seeds. A row spacing of 60 cm, reflective film mulching, and the application of nitrogen fertilizer at 450 kg·hm-2 during the elongation stage proved to be an effective cultivation combination for enhancing both yield and seed quality. This was achieved through more efficient use of light and temperature, as well as improved photosynthetic performance of sorghum leaves.
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