梁晓红,曹雄,黄敏佳,张瑞栋,刘静,南怀林,王颂宇.有机无机肥配施对连作高粱产量、养分利用及土壤理化性状的影响[J].干旱地区农业研究,2024,(6):261~275 |
有机无机肥配施对连作高粱产量、养分利用及土壤理化性状的影响 |
Effects of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield, nutrient utilization, and soil physicochemical properties in continuous cropping of sorghum |
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2024.06.27 |
中文关键词: 高粱 有机无机肥配施 连作 产量 养分利用 土壤理化性状 |
英文关键词:sorghum combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers continous cropping yield nutrient utilization soil physicochemical property |
基金项目:财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业(谷子高粱)产业技术体系(CARS-06-14.5-B10);山西省现代农业杂粮产业技术体系(CYJSTX03-17);吕梁市校地合作重点研发专项(2023XDHZ07) |
摘要点击次数: 189 |
全文下载次数: 98 |
中文摘要: |
以‘汾酒粱1号’酿造高粱为供试作物,于2018—2021年开展田间定位试验,设置不施肥(CK)、单施化肥(NPK)、农家肥羊粪(S)、商品有机肥(C)、S+NPK(SNPK)、C+NPK(CNPK)共6个处理,分析不同施肥处理对连作高粱产量、氮磷钾累积量以及土壤容重、pH值、土壤全氮、有机质、有效磷、速效钾含量的影响。结果表明:连作4年NPK、S、SNPK处理的高粱产量较不施肥处理显著提高4.45%~33.60%;随着连作年限的增加,施用农家肥处理的增产效应逐渐明显,连作第4年S处理的高粱产量较其他施肥处理显著增产6.47%~28.69%。S和SNPK处理的产量变异系数较NPK处理显著降低10.64%和6.38%,可持续性指数值分别提高2.53%和1.27%,表明S和SNPK处理具有较好的稳产性和可持续性。连作第4年S和SNPK处理较NPK处理地上部氮累积量、钾累积量分别提高8.36%、3.31%和3.48%、21.45%,磷的累积量无明显差异,仅分别增加2.22%和0.70%。与NPK处理相比,连作第4年S和SNPK处理的0~20、20~40 cm土层容重分别下降3.78%、4.55%和7.29%、4.31%;SNPK处理明显降低0~40 cm土层土壤pH值;0~20 cm土层土壤有机质和有效磷含量在SNPK处理下分别增加22.18%~36.71%和9.07%~25.62%;20~40 cm土层土壤有机质和有效磷含量在S处理下分别增加15.00%~22.37%和41.08%~43.91%。然而连作第4年各施肥处理高粱产量、氮磷累积量出现明显下降,其中产量降低15.57%~32.76%,氮累积量下降12.89%~27.90%,磷累积量下降5.89%~25.82%。综上所述,施用农家肥或农家肥配施无机肥有利于本地区连作高粱的产量稳产和土壤肥力的改善,但以连作年限在3年内为佳。农家肥配施无机肥有利于提高0~20 cm耕层土壤的肥力水平和连作2年内高粱的产量,施用农家肥处理更有利于提高20~40 cm土层土壤肥力水平和连作3年以上的高粱产量。 |
英文摘要: |
Taking brewing sorghum ‘Fenjiuliang No. 1’ as the test material, field experiments were carried out from 2018 to 2021. Six treatments were established: no fertilizer (CK), chemical fertilizer (NPK), farmyard manure (S), commercial organic manure (C), a combination of farmyard manure and NPK (SNPK), and a combination of commercial organic manure and NPK (CNPK). The yield, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accumulation in continuous sorghum were obtained together with soil bulk density (BD), pH value, organic matter content (OC), total nitrogen content (TN), available phosphorus (AP) and potassium content (AK) content of the soil. The results showed increases of 4.45% to 33.60% in the sorghum yield over continuous cropping for four years under treatments with NPK, S, and SNPK as compared to unfertilized crops. The yield increasing effect of the S treatment increased as continuous cropping continued, with a significant increase of 6.47% to 28.69% observed in the fourth year as compared to the other fertilizer treatments. Compared to NPK, significant reductions of 10.64% and 6.38% were observed in the coefficient of yield variation values of the S and SNPK treatments, respectively, while increases of 2.53% and 1.27% in the yield sustainability index values indicated improved stability and higher sustainability. Nitrogen accumulation was 8.36% and 3.31% higher under S and SNPK treatments, respectively, as compared to NPK, along with respective fourth year increases of 3.48% and 21.45% for potassium accumulation and only 2.22% and 0.70% for phosphorus accumulation. S and SNPK treatments also led to BD decreases of 3.78% and 4.55% in the 0~20 cm and 7.29% and 4.31% in the 20~40 cm soil layers, respectively, as compared to NPK treatment. SNPK significantly and steadily reduced the pH value in the 0~40 cm soil layer and led to a significant increase of 22.18% to 36.71% in soil OC and 9.07% to 25.62% in soil AP for the 0~20 cm soil layer as compared to NPK, while S increased the soil OC by 15.00% to 22.37% and soil AP by 41.08% to 43.91% in the 20~40 cm soil layer. However, significant decreases were observed in terms of yield and nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation under fertilizer application treatments in the fourth year of continuous cropping, with yield decreasing by 15.57% to 32.76%, nitrogen accumulation decreasing by 12.89% to 27.90%, and phosphorus accumulation decreasing by 5.89% to 25.82%. The results indicated that applying farmyard manure and farmyard manure combined with chemical fertilizer could stabilize the yield and maintain the soil fertility level; however, continuous cropping should be continued for only three years. The application of farmyard manure combined with chemical fertilizer (SNPK) is likely beneficial for improving the fertility level in the 0~20 cm soil layer and the sorghum yield over two years, while farmyard manure (S) is beneficial for improving the fertility level in the 20~40 cm soil layer and the sorghum yield over three years of continuous cropping. |
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