Effects of exogenous calcium on agronomic traits, quality and grain calcium content of millet
中文关键词:  谷子  外源钙  农艺性状  品质性状  籽粒钙含量
英文关键词:millet  exgenous calcium  agronomic trait  quality character  grain calcium content
杜冰 河南科技大学农学院/河南省旱地作物种质资源利用工程研究中心河南 洛阳 471000 
杨馥熔 河南科技大学农学院/河南省旱地作物种质资源利用工程研究中心河南 洛阳 471000 
郭浩杰 河南科技大学农学院/河南省旱地作物种质资源利用工程研究中心河南 洛阳 471000 
王成 河南科技大学农学院/河南省旱地作物种质资源利用工程研究中心河南 洛阳 471000 
张富厚 河南科技大学农学院/河南省旱地作物种质资源利用工程研究中心河南 洛阳 471000 
孟超敏 河南科技大学农学院/河南省旱地作物种质资源利用工程研究中心河南 洛阳 471000 
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      以2个高钙谷子品种‘金谷5号’、‘豫谷47’和2个低钙谷子品种‘济谷20’、‘冀谷38’为试验材料,设置5个钙肥梯度(CK: 0 mg·L-1、C1: 0.05 mg·L-1、C2: 0.10 mg·L-1、C3: 0.15 mg·L-1、C4: 0.20 mg·L-1),探究拔节期、抽穗期和灌浆期叶面喷施不同浓度钙肥对谷子生长发育及籽粒钙含量的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,处理组(C1、C2、C3)提高了不同品种谷子的株高、茎粗、叶面积、穗粗和千粒重,同时改善了其品质,其中C3处理对株高的提高作用最显著,4个品种分别提高9.65%、6.00%、5.63%和9.12%;‘金谷5号’和‘豫谷47’在C3处理下的茎粗较CK分别提高11.74%和4.21%,‘济谷20’在C4处理下的茎粗较CK提高11.82%,‘冀谷38’在C2处理下的茎粗较CK提高3.21%;4个谷子品种在C2处理下的叶面积较CK分别提高3.31%、11.25%、3.74%和6.08%,在C3处理下的穗粗较CK分别提高2.20%、16.48%、11.77%和4.50%;喷施外源钙对4个谷子品种千粒重的最大增幅范围为3.46%~7.75%。同时,增施钙肥能显著提高谷子籽粒钙含量,其中‘金谷5号’、‘豫谷47’和‘济谷20’籽粒钙含量在C3处理下达到最大值,较CK分别增加25.41%、29.18%和20.14%,‘冀谷38’籽粒钙含量在C2浓度处理下达到最大值,较 CK增加36.12%。施钙浓度为0.10~0.15 mg·L-1时,谷子的表型农艺性状、品质指标及籽粒钙含量综合表现最优,是豫西地区谷子生产中的最佳施钙浓度。
      Five calcium fertilizer gradients (CK: 0 mg·L-1, C1: 0.05 mg·L-1, C2: 0.10 mg·L-1, C3: 0.15 mg·L-1, C4: 0.20 mg·L-1) were established using two high-calcium millet varieties, ‘Jingu 5’ and ‘Yugu 47’, and two low-calcium millet varieties, ‘Jigu 20’ and ‘Jigu 38’, as experimental materials. The effects of different concentrations of calcium fertilizer on grain growth and grain calcium content at jointing stage, heading stage and filling stage were studied, and the optimal concentration of exogenous calcium was determined. The results showed that compared with the control group, the plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, ear diameter and 1000-grain weight of ‘Jingu 5’, ‘Yugu 47’, ‘Jigu 20’ and ‘Jigu 38’ were increased in the treatment group (C1, C2, C3), and the quality was improved. C3 concentration treatment had the most significant effect on plant height, which was 9.65%, 6.00%, 5.63% and 9.12% higher than CK, respectively. Stem diameter of ‘Jingu 5’ and ‘Yugu 47’ under C3 treatment was 11.74% and 4.21% higher than CK, stem diameter of ‘Jigu 20’ under C4 treatment was 11.82% higher than CK, stem diameter of ‘Jigu 38’ under C2 treatment was 3.21% higher than CK. The leaf area of four millet varieties under C2 treatment was 3.31%, 11.25%, 3.74% and 6.08% higher than that of CK, respectively. Ear diameter under C3 treatment was 2.20%, 16.48%, 11.77% and 4.50% higher than CK, respectively. The maximum increase range of 1000-grain weight of four millet varieties by applying exogenous calcium was 3.46%~7.75%. Furthermore, the application of calcium fertilizer can significantly increase the calcium content of grain seeds, among which the calcium content of grain seeds of ‘Jingu 5’, ‘Yugu 47’ and ‘Jigu 20’ reached the maximum value under C3 treatment, and increased by 25.41%, 29.18% and 20.14%, respectively, compared with that of CK, the calcium content of grain seeds of ‘Jigu 38’ reached the maximum value under C2 treatment, and increased by 36.12% compared with that of CK. The calcium concentration of 0.10~0.15 mg·L-1, the phenotypic agronomic trait, quality indexes and grain calcium content of millet were optimized, which was the best calcium application concentration for grain production in west Henan region.
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