李帅,陈亚飞,王辉,许吉利,王仕稳,孙笑宇,孙秋雨,殷俐娜,邓西平.基于TOPSIS-AISM模型的黄土高原主推玉米品种适应性评价[J].干旱地区农业研究,2025,(1):1~12 |
基于TOPSIS-AISM模型的黄土高原主推玉米品种适应性评价 |
Adaptability evaluation of main maize varieties in the Loess Plateau based on TOPSIS-AISM model |
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2025.01.01 |
中文关键词: 玉米品种 适应性评价 对抗结构解释模型(AISM) 逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS) 黄土高原 |
英文关键词:maize varieties adaptability evaluation adversarial interpretive structure modeling (AISM) technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) Loess Plateau |
基金项目:国家“十四五”重点研发计划(2021YFD1900705) |
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中文摘要: |
为构建黄土高原地区玉米品种适应性评价体系,筛选与该地区气候条件相匹配的优良品种,通过2022年和2023年大田试验比较黄土高原50个主推玉米品种在两种降水状况下的产量和穗部性状,基于符合黄土高原气候特征的2023年试验数据,获取了以高产、抗倒伏和高效为目的3大类共11个性状指标,通过Pearson相关性分析判别指标间的相关性,使用CRITIC法确定指标权重,基于TOPSIS-AISM模型得到各品种优劣排序。结果表明,拔节~抽雄期作物需水量和降水量的耦合度较低,导致玉米产量、穗粗、穗重的平均值下降,产量的变异系数增大而百粒重的变异系数减小。TOPSIS-AISM联用筛选出‘陕科6号’、‘登海605’和‘正大12’为稳定较优品种。玉米品种对拔节~抽雄期的降水状况响应敏感,水分利用效率和降水与作物需水耦合系数为高权重指标,可较好地评价黄土高原地区玉米品种适应性。此外,TOPSIS-AISM联用较传统TOPSIS方法更具客观性和普遍性,判定结果排序稳定,可适用于作物品种评价和推广。 |
英文摘要: |
To establish an adaptive evaluation system for maize varieties and select superior cultivars suited to the climatic conditions of the Loess Plateau region, this study comparatively analyzed the yield and ear traits of 50 major maize varieties promoted in the Loess Plateau under two different precipitation scenarios using field experiments conducted in 2022 and 2023. Based on the experimental data from 2023, which corresponds to the climatic characteristics of the Loess Plateau, eleven indicators were identified across three categories: high yield, lodging resistance, and high efficiency. Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to determine the interrelationships among the indicators, and the CRITIC method was used to establish their respective weights. The TOPSIS-AISM model was then utilized to rank the performance of each variety. The results indicated that the lower degree of coupling between crop water demand and precipitation from the jointing to tasseling stages led to a decrease in the average values of maize yield, ear diameter, and ear weight, while the coefficient of variation for yield increased and that for hundred\|grain weight decreased. The TOPSIS-AISM analysis identified ‘Shaanke No. 6’, ‘Denghai 605’, and ‘Zhengda 12’ as the stable superior varieties. The main maize varieties promoted in the Loess Plateau showed a sensitive response to precipitation conditions from the jointing to tasseling stages, establishing water use efficiency and the coupling coefficient between precipitation and crop water demand as key indicators for evaluating the adaptability of maize varieties in the region. Furthermore, the combined TOPSIS-AISM method demonstrated greater objectivity and generality compared to traditional TOPSIS, with stable ranking results that can be effectively applied to variety evaluation and promotion. |
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