Screening and comparison of leaf drought resistance indexes of 15 varieties of Lycium barbarum
中文关键词:  宁夏枸杞  品种  叶片显微结构  抗旱性综合评价  隶属函数
英文关键词:Lycium barbarum  varieties  leaf microstructure  comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance  membership function
吕小旭 甘肃医学院甘肃 平凉 744000 
杨璐 甘肃医学院甘肃 平凉 744000 
王大成 甘肃医学院甘肃 平凉 744000 
赵映书 宁夏回族自治区中宁县林业技术推广服务中心宁夏 中宁 755100 
关鉴茹 甘肃医学院甘肃 平凉 744000 
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      Five leaf morphological characteristics—leaf area (LA), dry weight (DWT), fresh weight (FW), specific leaf area (SLA), and dry\|to\|fresh weight ratio (LDMC)—were calculated for 15 varieties of Lycium barbarum in Zhongning County. Ten leaf microstructure features\|leaf thickness (LT), thickness of upper epidermal cell (TU), thickness of lower epidermal cell (TL), thickness of palisade tissue (TPT), thickness of spongy tissue (TST), palisade tissue thickness/spongy tissue thickness (P/S), tightness of leaf structure (TLS), leaf structure porosity (LLS), proportion of upper epidermal (PU) and proportion of lower epidermal (PL) were determined by using the optimized and improved paraffin section technique. The drought resistance of Lycium barbarum cultivars was evaluated by using the membership function and principal component analysis of these 15 indexes. The results showed that: (1) The coefficient of variation for the drought resistance coefficients across 15 indices ranged from 12.900% to 58.248%. Among these, the index with the highest coefficient of variation was LA, while the index with the lowest was TPT. (2) According to the correlation analysis results, LT was significantly negatively correlated with TLS, LLS, PU and PL. The cluster analysis results showed that the 15 leaf indexes were divided into 3 categories, and LLS, LA and SLA had the highest correlation index among all categories, which were the key indexes of drought resistance of Lycium barbarum. Principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of six principal component factors, including TLS, TST, LA, SLA, P/S and LDMC, reached 89.662%. LLS, TLS, TST, LA, SLA, P/S and LDMC were the key indicators for drought resistance evaluation of Lycium barbarum. (3)Drought resistance order of 15 Lycium barbarum varieties: Lycium barbarum ‘Ningqi-7’>‘Ningnongqi-5’>‘Ningqi-9’>‘Ningqi-4’>‘Ningnongqi-1’>‘Ningqi-3’>‘Ningqi-1’>‘Ningqi-6’>‘Ningqi-5’>‘Ningqi-10’>‘Ningnongqi-4’>‘Mengqi-1’>‘Ningqi-2’>‘Ningqi-8’>‘Ningnongqi-9’. The results of this study can help select excellent drought resistant varieties of Lycium barbarum ,reduce drought stress,and promote the development of Lycium barbarum industry.
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