杨虓,陈德来,刘自成,李静,施万喜,孟建军.干旱胁迫对旱地冬小麦产量及其抗旱相关基因表达的影响[J].干旱地区农业研究,2025,(1):69~75 |
干旱胁迫对旱地冬小麦产量及其抗旱相关基因表达的影响 |
Effects of drought stress on yield and expression of drought\|resistant genes in dryland winter wheat |
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2025.01.07 |
中文关键词: 旱地冬小麦 早期世代 干旱胁迫 抗旱基因 育种筛选 |
英文关键词:dryland winter wheat early generations drought stress drought resistant genes variety screening |
基金项目:甘肃省重点研发计划-农业类(22YFM126);甘肃省自然科学基金(21JR7RM191) |
作者 | 单位 | 杨虓 | 陇东学院农业与生物工程学院,甘肃 庆阳 745000 陇东旱地作物种质改良及产业化协同创新中心,甘肃 庆阳 745000 甘肃省旱地冬小麦种质创新与应用工程研究中心,甘肃 庆阳 745000 | 陈德来 | 陇东学院农业与生物工程学院,甘肃 庆阳 745000 陇东旱地作物种质改良及产业化协同创新中心,甘肃 庆阳 745000 | 刘自成 | 陇东学院农业与生物工程学院,甘肃 庆阳 745000 陇东旱地作物种质改良及产业化协同创新中心,甘肃 庆阳 745000 甘肃省旱地冬小麦种质创新与应用工程研究中心,甘肃 庆阳 745000 | 李静 | 定西市安定区农业技术推广中心,甘肃 定西 743000 | 施万喜 | 陇东学院农业与生物工程学院,甘肃 庆阳 745000 陇东旱地作物种质改良及产业化协同创新中心,甘肃 庆阳 745000 甘肃省旱地冬小麦种质创新与应用工程研究中心,甘肃 庆阳 745000 | 孟建军 | 陇东学院农业与生物工程学院,甘肃 庆阳 745000 陇东旱地作物种质改良及产业化协同创新中心,甘肃 庆阳 745000 甘肃省旱地冬小麦种质创新与应用工程研究中心,甘肃 庆阳 745000 |
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中文摘要: |
为研究陇东旱地育成冬小麦品系的抗旱性与抗旱功能基因的关系,以6个旱地冬小麦新品系为试验材料,于2021—2022年、2022—2023年2个生长季在陇东学院西峰旱作农业试验站设置雨养无灌溉(CK)、旱棚防雨(干旱胁迫)和调控灌溉3个水分处理,测定各品系冬小麦产量,评价其抗旱性,并分析了抗旱相关功能基因的相对表达量。结果表明,在水分胁迫和供水充足(含水量为70%田间持水量)情况下,6个小麦品系产量差值变化不一致,品系C(‘1576-2-0-2’)和品系D(‘15119-1-0-2’)两年试验结果的差值均最小,其余4个品系差值均超过平均差值。由雨养无灌溉试验结果可知,2022年为大旱年份,品系C、D的产量在6个供试品系中分别位居第1和第3,抗旱系数分别为0.89和1.02;2023年为相对丰水年,品系C、D的抗旱系数分别为0.77和1.12,说明这两个品系对气候异常不敏感,抗旱性良好。通过荧光定量PCR技术分析6个小麦品系在灌浆期干旱胁迫下旗叶中的相对表达量,结果显示TaCRT-D基因在6个品系中的表达水平最高,Wdreb2、XTH-7A、WIip19、TaCRT-D在品系C、D中的表达量高于其他品系。田间试验结果与PEG-6000高渗溶液模拟发芽期和苗期干旱胁迫的鉴定结果相一致,表明6个品系中‘1576-2-0-2’和‘15119-1-0-2’品系抗旱性强,且干旱胁迫下灌浆期旗叶中抗旱功能基因TaCRT-D的表达量可以作为冬小麦早期世代抗旱选择参考指标。 |
英文摘要: |
To investigate the relationship between the drought resistance of newly developed winter wheat strains in the drylands of eastern Gansu Province and their drought\|resistant functional genes, six new dryland winter wheat strains were selected as experimental materials. These were planted at the Xifeng Dry Farming Agricultural Experimental Station of Longdong University during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 growing seasons. Three water treatments were set up: rain\|fed without irrigation (CK), drought shelter to prevent rain (drought stress) and regulated irrigation. The yield was measured to evaluate their drought resistance, and the relative expression levels of drought\|related functional genes were analyzed. The results showed that the yield difference of 6 wheat strains showed inconsistent changes under water stress and 70% of the field capcity. The yield difference between two years of C (‘1576-2-0-2’) and D (‘15119-1-0-2’) was the smallest, and the differences of the other 4 strains were more than the average difference. In the rain-fed without irrigation experiment, the year 2022 was identified as a severe drought year. The yields of strains C and D ranked first and third among the six tested strains, and the drought resistance coefficients of 0.89 and 1.02, respectively. In 2023, a relatively wet year, the drought resistance coefficients for strains C and D were 0.77 and 1.12, indicating that these two strains were less sensitive to climate anomalies and had good drought resistance. The relative expression levels of six drought\|resistant functional genes were analyzed in the flag leaves of six wheat strains during the grain filling stage under drought stress using fluorescence quantitative PCR. The results showed the TaCRT-D gene had the highest expression level in these strains. The expression levels of Wdreb2, XTH-7A, WIip19, and TaCRT-D in strains C and D were higher than those in other strains. The field trial results align with the identification outcomes observed at the germination and seedling stages under drought stress simulated by a PEG-6000 hypertonic solution. They indicate that among the six lines, ‘1576-2-0-2’ and ‘15119-1-0-2’ exhibit strong drought resistance. Furthermore, these findings confirm that during drought\|resistant breeding of winter wheat, the expression of the drought\|resistance functional gene TaCRT-D in early flag leaves under drought stress during the grain\|filling stage can serve as an effective early\|generation selection index for drought resistance. |
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