Effects of foliar fertilizers on fruit quality of ‘Yanfu 3’ apple on the Loess Plateau
中文关键词:  苹果  叶面肥  果实品质  香气成分  黄土高原
英文关键词:apple  foliar fertilizer  fruit quality  aroma composition  Loess Plateau
史光玲 甘肃农业大学园艺学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
董媛媛 甘肃农业大学园艺学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
李诗美 甘肃农业大学园艺学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
曾宝珍 甘肃农业大学园艺学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
卢世雄 甘肃农业大学园艺学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
梁国平 甘肃农业大学园艺学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
陈佰鸿 甘肃农业大学园艺学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
毛娟 甘肃农业大学园艺学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
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      以甘肃庆阳宁县6年生‘烟富3号’苹果为试材,分别设定叶秀美氨基酸酵素液(T1)、流体钙(T2)、糖醇硼(T3)、矿源黄腐酸钾(T4)、有机硅+酵素钙(T5)、叶秀美+流体钙+糖醇硼(T6)、叶秀美+流体钙+糖醇硼+有机硅(T7)、叶秀美+流体钙+糖醇硼+有机硅+矿源黄腐酸钾(T8)、芸苔素(T9)、芸苔素+花芽双促(T10)、乐纯中量元素水溶肥料+有机硅(T11)、复硝酚钠(T12)、胺鲜脂(T13)、复硝酚钠+胺鲜脂(T14)、白砂糖+酵素+尿素(T15)、复硝酚钠+胺鲜脂+乐纯+白砂糖+酵素+尿素(T16)共计16个叶面肥处理,以清水喷施(CK)为对照,测定不同处理果实品质相关的各项指标。结果表明:喷施叶面肥可以增加果实的单果质量、果实纵径和果形指数,其中以T12处理效果最佳,分别为357.21 g、87.17 mm和0.94;T14处理下果实硬度的增加较为明显,为8.60 kg·cm-2;T12处理可明显提高果实中可溶性固形物含量,其含量为16.7%;T14处理可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量均最高,含量分别为13.90%和0.21 mg·g-1;果糖和蔗糖的含量增长以T11和T12处理最为显著,两处理含量分别为72.52 mg·g-1和56.91 mg·g-1。醛类、酯类、醇类物质为‘烟富3号’果实主要的香气物质类型,其醛类物质中以正己醛和2-己烯醛含量最高,正己醛含量为108.81~304.45 μg·kg-1,2-己烯醛含量为123.07~400.27 μg·kg-1。综上,乙酸己酯、正己醛、2-己烯醛3种物质为果实的特征香气成分;T11、T12、T14处理对于改善黄土高原地区‘烟富3号’苹果的果实品质效果更佳。
      The 6-year-old ‘Yanfu 3’ apple trees in Ning County, Qingyang, Gansu Province, were used as the test subjects. A total of 16 foliar fertilizer treatments including Yip San Mei amino acid enzyme solution (T1), fluidized calcium (T2), glycolic boron (T3), mineral\|source fulvic acid potassium (T4), organosilicon + enzyme calcium (T5), Yip San Mei+fluidized calcium+glycolic boron (T6), Yip San Mei+fluidied calcium + glycolic boron + organosilicon (T7), Yip San Mei + fluidized calcium + glycolic boron + organosilicon + mineral\|source fulvic acid potassium (T8), canthaxanthin (T9), canthaxanthin + double promotion of flower buds (T10), Lepure medium\|weight elements of water\|soluble fertilizers + organosilicon (T11), antibacterial agent (T12), amylopectin (T13), antibacterial agent + amylopectin (T14), white sugar + enzyme + urea (T15), antibacterial agent + amylopectin + Lepure + white sugar + enzyme + urea (T16) were set up with water spray (CK) as the control. The study was to determine the different treatments of fruit quality\|related indicators. The results showed that spraying foliar fertilizers increased the quality of single fruit, the longitudinal diameter of the fruit and the fruit shape index, among which the T12 treatment had the best effect, which were 357.21 g, 87.17 mm, and 0.94, respectively. The fruit hardness increased significantly under T14 treatment, which was 8.60 kg·cm-2, while T12 treatment significantly increased the soluble solid content in the fruit, which was 16.7%. T14 treatment had the best effects on soluble sugar content and soluble protein with 13.90% and 0.21 mg·g-1 respectively. The contents of fructose and sucrose increased most significantly under T11 and T12 treatments, with 72.52 mg·g-1 and 56.91 mg·g-1, respectively. Aldehydes, esters, and alcohols were the main types of aroma substances in ‘Yanfu 3’ fruits. Among the aldehydes, n-hexanal and 2-hexenal had the highest content. The content of n-hexanal ranged from 108.81 to 304.45 μg·kg-1, and 2-hexenal content was 123.07~400.27 μg·kg-1. This study found that hexyl acetate, n-hexanal, and 2-hexenal were the characteristic aroma components of ‘Yanfu 3’ fruits. T11, T12 and T14 treatments were more effective in improving the fruit quality of ‘Yanfu 3’ apples in the Loess Plateau.
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