Effects of pleotropic azole on the growth and fruit quality of ‘Bojihong’ figs
中文关键词:  无花果  多效唑  植株生长  果实品质  综合评价
英文关键词:fig  pleotropic azole  plant growth  fruit quality  comprehensive evaluation
陈梦瑶 塔里木大学园艺与林学学院新疆 阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学南疆特色果树高效优质栽培与深加工技术国家地方联合工程实验室新疆 阿拉尔 843300 
翟芮瑾 塔里木大学园艺与林学学院新疆 阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学南疆特色果树高效优质栽培与深加工技术国家地方联合工程实验室新疆 阿拉尔 843300 
林敏娟 塔里木大学园艺与林学学院新疆 阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学南疆特色果树高效优质栽培与深加工技术国家地方联合工程实验室新疆 阿拉尔 843300 
马全会 塔里木大学园艺与林学学院新疆 阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学南疆特色果树高效优质栽培与深加工技术国家地方联合工程实验室新疆 阿拉尔 843300 
王振磊 塔里木大学园艺与林学学院新疆 阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学南疆特色果树高效优质栽培与深加工技术国家地方联合工程实验室新疆 阿拉尔 843300 
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      为解决南疆地区无花果营养生长过于旺盛以及果实品质降低的问题,本研究以2年生无花果(Ficus carica L.)‘波姬红’品种为试材,以清水为对照(CK),在新梢生长期对植株不同部位涂抹不同浓度多效唑,9个处理分别为Y1(叶片涂抹15 mg·L-1)、Y2(叶片涂抹45 mg·L-1)、Y3(叶片涂抹75 mg·L-1)、J1(茎部涂抹15 mg·L-1)、J2(茎部涂抹45 mg·L-1)、J3(茎部涂抹75 mg·L-1)、D1(顶芽涂抹15 mg·L-1)、D2(顶芽涂抹45 mg·L-1)、D3(顶芽涂抹75 mg·L-1),分析不同处理对植株生长和果实品质及糖酸组分的影响。结果表明:(1)多效唑可明显抑制新梢生长,其中J3处理新梢长较对照显著降低34.99%;且抑制作用随浓度升高呈增强趋势。(2)与对照相比,茎部涂抹45 mg·L-1多效唑处理的单果质量显著提高13.40%;茎部涂抹75 mg·L-1多效唑处理果实可溶性固形物和可溶性糖含量的积累分别显著提高21.04%和26.83%,可滴定酸含量降低16.67%,果实糖酸比显著提高63.38%。(3)低浓度多效唑处理(15 mg·L-1)促进无花果总糖组分的积累(较对照显著提高12.70%),抑制无花果酸组分中0.32%的奎宁酸积累,高浓度处理(75 mg·L-1)反而促进果实中11.78%的奎宁酸积累。(4)主成分分析表明,各处理的综合得分表现为Y3>D3>J2>J3>CK>Y1>J1>D2>Y2>D1。综上所述,高浓度(75 mg·L-1)多效唑处理可显著提高‘波姬红’无花果的果实品质,且叶面施用75 mg·L-1浓度多效唑的效果最佳。
      To solve the problem of vigorous vegetative growth and reduced fruit quality of figs in southern Xinjiang, this study used the biennial fig (Ficus carica L.) ‘Bojihong’ variety as the test material and used clear water as the control (CK). During the shoot growth period, different concentrations of pleotropic azole were applied to different parts of the plant. The treatments included Y1 (Blade application with 15 mg·L-1), Y2 (Blade application with 45 mg·L-1), Y3 (Blade application with 75 mg·L-1), J1 (Stem application with 15 mg·L-1), J2 (Stem application with 45 mg·L-1), J3 (Stem application with 75 mg·L-1), D1 (Terminal bud application with 15 mg·L-1), D2 (Terminal bud application with 45 mg·L-1), and D3 (Terminal bud application with 75 mg·L-1). Plant growth and fruit quality and sugar acid components were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) Pleotropic azole could significantly inhibit shoot growth, of which J3 was the most significant effect of 34.99% compared with the control. And the inhibitory effect was enhanced with the increasing concentration. (2) The application of 45 mg·L-1 pleotropic azole to the stem could significantly increase the single fruit mass by 13.40%. The application of 75 mg·L-1 pleotropic azole promoted the accumulation of soluble solid and soluble sugar content in the fruit, which increased by 21.04% and 26.83% with the control and reduced the titrated acid content by 16.67%, and the fruit sugar\|acid ratio increased by 63.38%. (3) Low concentration (15 mg·L-1) promoted the accumulation of the total sugar fraction of fig, which increased by 12.70% compared with the control, inhibited the accumulation of 0.32% of the fig acid fraction, and high concentration (75 mg·L-1) treatment promoted the accumulation of 11.78% quinic acid in the fruit. (4) Principal component analysis showed that the comprehensive score of each treatment was Y3> D3> J2> J3> CK> Y1> J1> D2> Y2> D1. In conclusion, high concentration (75 mg·L-1) significantly improved the fruit quality of ‘Bojihong’ figs, and foliar application of 75 mg·L-1 was the best.
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