何昕孺,王玉静,张波,黄婷,段淋渊,王亚军,曹有龙,戴国礼,秦垦.修剪方式对‘宁杞7号’枸杞品质与产量的影响[J].干旱地区农业研究,2025,(1):160~167 |
修剪方式对‘宁杞7号’枸杞品质与产量的影响 |
Effects of pruning methods on the quality and yield of ‘Ningqi 7’ Lycium barbarum |
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2025.01.17 |
中文关键词: 枸杞 ‘宁杞7号’ 修剪方式 产量 果实品质 |
英文关键词:Lycium barbarum ‘Ningqi 7’ pruning methods yield fruit quality |
基金项目:宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划(2021BEF02003,2021BEF02004);宁夏农林科学院农业科技自主创新专项(NGSB-2021-2-04);第七批自治区青年科技人才托举工程项目 |
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中文摘要: |
为探寻宁夏产区枸杞科学合理的修剪管理技术,在宁夏中宁和固原两个试验点以8年生‘宁杞7号’为试验材料,短截程度设置长放(D1)、短截15~20 cm(D2)、短截10~15 cm(D3)3个水平,修剪量设置轻度修剪量40%~50%(A1)、中度修剪量50%~60%(A2)、重度修剪量60%~70%(A3)3个水平,研究短截程度与修剪量不同水平组合对枸杞果实产量和品质的影响。结果表明,两个试验点不同短截程度与修剪量配置的修剪方式下枸杞果实产量和品质差异明显,且存在不同程度的交互效应。在产量和枝类组成方面,中宁试验点的短截10~15 cm+轻度修剪量处理和固原试验点的短截15~20 cm+中度修剪量处理的产量最高,较其他处理分别提高4.58%~59.87%和9.19%~80.14%,且中枝占比较高。在果实品质上,中宁试验点短截15~20 cm+中度修剪量处理和固原试验点短截15~20 cm+重度修剪量处理的单果质量较高,且其甜菜碱、黄酮、类胡萝卜素含量均较高。相关性分析结果表明,两试验点的产量与总糖含量均呈负相关关系。以高产优质为栽培目的,结合熵权TOPSIS法综合得分,短截15~20 cm+中度修剪量可作为中宁试验区较优的修剪组合,短截15~20 cm+重度修剪量可作为固原试验区较优的修剪组合。 |
英文摘要: |
To explore the scientific and reasonable pruning management technology for Lycium barbarum in Ningxia region, the 8-year-old ‘Ningqi 7’ was used as the experimental material in Zhongning and Guyuan sites of Ningxia. The experimental pruning degrees were categorized as follows: non\|pruning (D1), pruning at 15~20 cm (D2), and pruning at 10~15 cm (D3). The pruning amount was mild pruning amount of 40%~50% (A1), moderate pruning amount of 50%~60% (A2), and severe pruning amount of 60%~70% (A3). The effects of varying pruning intensity and pruning quantity on the yield and quality of Lycium barbarum were investigated. The result showed that the fruit yield and quality of Lycium barbarum were significantly different under treatments, and there were different interaction effects. In yield and branch composition, compared with other treatments, the treatment with pruning at 10~15 cm and mild pruning increased by 4.58%~59.87% in Zhongning site, and the treatment with pruning at 15~20 cm and moderate pruning increased by 9.19%~80.14% in Guyuan site. Moreover, the proportion of middle branches was higher. On the fruit quality, the single fruit mass and the contents of betaine, flavonoids and carotenoids were higher in the treatment with pruning at 15~20 cm and moderate pruning in Zhongning site and the treatment with pruning at 15~20 cm and severe pruning in Guyuan site. The results of the correlation analysis revealed a negative correlation between yield and total sugar content at both test sites. Considering the goals of achieving high yield and quality for cultivation purposes, along with the comprehensive score based on the entropy weight TOPSIS method, it was concluded that pruning at 15~20 cm combined with moderate pruning is the most suitable method for the Zhongning test area. The combination of pruning at 15~20 cm and severe pruning amount is suitable pruning method in the Guyuan test area. |
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