Effects of mulching and drip irrigation on carbon footprint and net ecosystem economic benefits of maize
中文关键词:  温室气体排放  垄作覆膜  滴灌  经济效益  碳足迹
英文关键词:greenhouse gas emissions  ridge mulching  drip irrigation  economic benefits  carbon footprint
马娇 河南省新乡市河湖事务中心河南 新乡 453004 
王栋 河南省新乡市河湖事务中心河南 新乡 453004 
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      为探讨不同覆膜和灌溉方式下玉米农田温室气体排放、作物产量、净生态系统经济效益及碳足迹的综合效应,于2021—2022年开展不同覆膜(垄作半膜和垄作无膜)和灌溉方式(滴灌和沟灌)的组合试验,研究其对玉米产量和温室气体排放的影响,并对灌溉水利用效率和施氮部分要素生产率、经济效益和碳足迹进行分析与评估。结果表明,滴灌和覆膜均有效降低了温室气体排放峰值,滴灌处理玉米整个生育期N2O、CH4和CO2平均排放通量分别为0.27~0.51、-0.04~-0.05 mg·m-2·h-1和2 090.98~2 160.71 mg·m-2·h-1,较沟灌处理分别降低12.00%~30.30%、7.36%~21.45%和7.48%~11.68%。覆膜处理下N2O、CH4和CO2平均排放通量分别为0.27~0.39、-0.03~-0.47 mg·m-2·h-1和2 090.98~2 290.50 mg·m-2·h-1,较不覆膜处理分别降低33.54%~47.35%、4.03%~19.40%和2.57%~6.64%,故垄作半膜滴灌处理的温室气体全球变暖潜势显著低于其他处理(降幅为5.30%~16.89%)。与其他处理相比,垄作半膜滴灌处理的作物产量、作物水分生产力、灌溉水利用效率和施氮部分要素生产率分别增加6.33%~19.83%、6.10%~33.17%、14.72%~45.87%和6.90%~19.44%。滴灌系统的经济效益和净生态系统经济效益分别较沟灌系统增加9.37%~14.85%和43.88%~55.56%,覆膜技术的经济效益和净生态系统经济效益分别较不覆膜处理提升0.90%~5.95%和16.23%~20.88%。滴灌和覆膜均降低了玉米生育期内总碳排放和单位产量碳足迹。综上,垄作半膜滴灌方式在提升玉米产量和经济效益的同时,显著减少了温室气体的全球变暖潜势和碳足迹,是较为理想的玉米种植方式。
      To investigate the comprehensive effects of different mulching and irrigation methods on greenhouse gas emissions, crop yield, net ecosystem economic benefits, and carbon footprint in maize fields, a field experiment was conducted using maize fields with different mulching methods (ridge half\|film and ridge no\|film) and irrigation methods (drip and furrow irrigation). The study aimed to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and analyze irrigation water use efficiency, nitrogen partial factor productivity, economic benefits, and carbon footprint. The results indicated that both drip irrigation and mulching reduced the greenhouse gases peak emissions caused by irrigation and fertilization. Over the two\|year study period, the average N2O, CH4 and CO2 emission flux during the whole growth period were 0.27~0.51, -0.04~-0.05 mg·m-2·h-1 and 2 090.98~2 160.71 mg·m-2·h-1, respectively, which were 12.00%~30.30%, 7.36%~21.45%, and 7.48%~11.68% lower than those under furrow irrigation. For the plastic mulching treatment, the average N2O, CH4 and CO2 emission flux during the whole growth period were 0.27~0.39, -0.03~-0.47 mg·m-2·h-1 and 2 090.98~2 290.50 mg·m-2·h-1, respectively, which were 33.54%~47.35%, 4.03%~19.40% and 2.57%~6.64% lower than those without mulching. This ultimately led to a significantly lower global warming potential of greenhouse gases in the ridge tillage with half\|mulch drip irrigation treatment compared to other treatments (5.30%~16.89%). Additionally, the ridge tillage with half\|mulch drip irrigation mode increased crop yield, water productivity, irrigation water use efficiency, and nitrogen application partial factor productivity by 6.33%~19.83%, 6.10%~33.17%, 14.72%~45.87% and 6.90%~19.44%, respectively. The economic benefit and net ecosystem economic benefit of drip irrigation was increased by 9.37%~14.85% and 43.88%~55.56% respectively compared with furrow irrigation system. The economic benefit and net ecosystem economic benefit of mulching system increased by 0.90%~5.95% and 16.23%~20.88% respectively compared with no\|mulch system. Drip irrigation reduced the total carbon emission and carbon per unit yield during the growing period of maize. In summary, the ridge tillage with half\|mulch drip irrigation method can not only increase maize yield and economic benefits, but also significantly reduce the global warming potential and carbon footprint of greenhouse gases. It is an ideal maize planting method.
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