Carbon storage and distribution in the ecosystem of grape vineyards at the eastern foot of the Helan Mountains
中文关键词:  酿酒葡萄园  生态系统  碳储量  分配特征  贺兰山东麓
英文关键词:wine vineyard  ecosystem  carbon storage  distribution characteristics  the eastern foot of Helan Mountain
王雪飞 北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院, 宁夏 银川 750021 
王悦娟 北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院, 宁夏 银川 750021 
魏玉清 北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院, 宁夏 银川 750021 
马婷婷 北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院, 宁夏 银川 750021 
周超凡 北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院, 宁夏 银川 750021 
马海军 北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院, 宁夏 银川 750021 
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      为阐明贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄园生态系统碳储量特征,以银川市永宁县玉泉营葡萄园为研究对象,通过测算葡萄不同物候期的地上植被碳储量、土壤碳储量和土壤呼吸速率等指标,分析葡萄园生态系统碳储量的时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)葡萄植株碳储量随植株生长而逐渐增加,在浆果采收期各器官碳储量表现为根(2.40 t·hm-2)>多年生枝(2.14 t·hm-2)>果(1.26 t·hm-2)>叶(0.65 t·hm-2)>一年生枝(0.60 t·hm-2);1 m深度土壤碳储量随土层加深而逐渐下降,土壤有机碳储量主要集中在0~20 cm土层。葡萄植株地上部碳储量随生育进程的推进而显著增加,土壤碳储量无显著变化,葡萄园植被碳储量主要集中于多年生部分,多年生根和多年生枝的碳储量占比分别为39.28%和32.76%。(2)土壤呼吸速率(0~10 cm土层)均值为1.78 μmol·m-2·s-1,浆果生长期的土壤呼吸速率最大;土壤温度和湿度是影响土壤呼吸速率的主要因素,对土壤呼吸速率变化的解释率分别为90.9%和41.2%;土壤呼吸速率与土壤0~10 cm土层的温度和湿度均呈显著的正相关关系。(3)葡萄园生态系统酿酒葡萄品种‘霞多丽’在7 500株·hm-2的种植密度下,当年总碳储量为49.84 t·hm-2,各组分碳储量表现为土壤(42.29 t·hm-2,占比84.85%)>植株(7.05 t·hm-2,占比14.15%)>杂草(0.27 t·hm-2,占比0.54%)>修剪凋落物(0.23 t·hm-2,占比0.46%)。贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄园生态系统在葡萄生长季能将固定的碳主要储存于土壤层和植株多年生木质部分,有较强的碳汇能力。
      To clarify the carbon storage characteristics of the ecological system in vineyards at the eastern foot of the Helan Mountains, this study focused on the Yuquanying Vineyard in Yongning County, Yinchuan City. By measuring and calculating the carbon storage of aboveground vegetation, soil carbon storage, and soil respiration across different phenological periods, the temporal and spatial variations of carbon storage in the vineyard ecosystem were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) The carbon storage in grape plants gradually increased as the plants grow, with the carbon storage in different organs during the berry harvesting period ranked as follows: roots (2.40 t·hm-2) > perennial branches (2.14 t·hm-2) > fruit (1.26 t·hm-2) > leaves (0.65 t·hm-2) > one\|year\|old branches (0.60 t·hm-2). The soil carbon storage in 1 m soil depth gradually decreased with increasing soil depth, and it was mainly concentrated in 0~20 cm soil depth. The above\|ground carbon storage of grape plants significantly increased with the growth process, while the soil carbon storage remained unchanged. The carbon storage of grapevine vegetation was mainly concentrated in the perennial parts, with carbon storage proportions of 39.28% for perennial roots and 32.76% for perennial branches. (2) The mean soil respiration rate (0~10 cm soil layer) was 1.78 μmol·m-2·s-1, with the highest soil respiration rate during the berry growth period. Soil temperature and humidity were the main factors influencing soil respiration rate, explaining 90.9% and 41.2% of the variability, respectively. Soil respiration rate was significantly positively correlated with soil temperature and soil humidity at a depth of 0~10 cm. (3) In the grapevine ecosystem, ‘Chardonnay’ wine grape variety was 49.84 t·hm-2 with a planting density of 7 500 plants·hm-2, with the carbon storage of each component in the following order: soil layer 42.29 t·hm-2 (account for 84.85%) > plants 7.05 t·hm-2 (account for 14.15%) > weeds 0.27 t·hm-2 (account for 0.54%) > trimmer 0.23 t·hm-2 (account for 0.46%). The ecological system in the vineyards at the eastern foot of the Helan Mountains stored the fixed carbon mainly in the soil layer and the perennial woody parts of the plants during the grape growing season, showing strong carbon sequestration capacity.
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