Changes in the spring rapeseed’s phenology and its response to climate change on the Qinghai Plateau
中文关键词:  春油菜  物候期  生长季时长  气候因子  青海高原
英文关键词:spring rapeseed  phenological  duration of growing season  climate factors  Qinghai Plateau
李璠 青海省气象科学研究所青海 西宁 810001青海省防灾减灾重点实验室青海 西宁 810001 
陈国茜 青海省气象科学研究所青海 西宁 810001青海省防灾减灾重点实验室青海 西宁 810001 
李菲 青海省气象科学研究所青海 西宁 810001青海省防灾减灾重点实验室青海 西宁 810001 
赵梦凡 青海省气象科学研究所青海 西宁 810001青海省防灾减灾重点实验室青海 西宁 810001 
赵熙玲 青海省气象科学研究所青海 西宁 810001青海省防灾减灾重点实验室青海 西宁 810001 
严应存 青海省气象科学研究所青海 西宁 810001青海省防灾减灾重点实验室青海 西宁 810001 
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      以青海高原种植面积最大的作物春油菜为研究对象,利用5个农业气象站1991—2022年的长序列物候观测资料,量化白菜型、甘蓝型2个栽培种的播种期、出苗期、开花期、成熟期4个关键物候期和营养生长期、生殖生长期、全生育期3个生长阶段的时空变化特征,及其与对应时段气象要素的关系。结果表明,在青海高原春油菜生长季内气温显著升高以及大部分地区降水增加、日照减少的气候变化背景下,春油菜物候期和生长阶段也发生了显著变化;白菜型油菜的4个关键物候期以0.22~0.44 d·a-1的速度整体推迟,甘蓝型油菜的播种期和出苗期分别以0.36 d·a-1和0.04 d·a-1的速度提前,开花期和成熟期分别以0.05 d·a-1和0.41 d·a-1的速度推迟;营养生长期除互助县甘蓝型油菜和门源县白菜型油菜分别缩短0.24 d·a-1和0.15 d·a-1外,其余各地的生长阶段延长0.02~1.31 d·a-1。春油菜物候期及生长季时长的变化趋势不尽相同,对气候因子变化敏感度也存在差异,平均气温与播种期、出苗期、开花期呈正相关关系,与成熟期呈负相关关系;降水量与播种期、出苗期呈显著正相关关系,与成熟期呈负相关关系;日照时数与播种期、出苗期在甘蓝型油菜中表现为正相关关系,在白菜型油菜中为负相关关系,同时开花期日照时数越多,越能促进油菜成熟。
      Spring rapeseed, the crop with the largest planting area on the Qinghai Plateau, was selected as the research subject. Long\|term phenological observation records from five agricultural meteorological stations (1991-2022) were analyzed to quantify the temporal and spatial variations in four key phenological stages (sowing, emergence, anthesis, and maturity) and three growth phases (vegetative growth, reproductive growth, and the entire growth period) of two cultivars, Brassica napus and Brassica rapa. Additionally, the relationship between these phenological stages and meteorological factors during the corresponding periods was examined. The results revealed significant changes in the phenology and growth stages of spring rapeseed under the influence of climate change, characterized by a substantial increase in temperature, a general rise in precipitation, and a decrease in sunshine.The phenological period of Brassica rapa was postponed at a rate of 0.22~0.44 d·a-1. The sowing and emergence stage of Brassica napus were advanced by 0.36 d·a-1 and 0.04 d·a-1, and the anthesis and maturity stages were delayed by 0.05 d·a-1 and 0.41 d·a-1, respectively. The vegetative growth stage was prolonged at a rate of 0.02~1.31 d·a-1 except that Huzhu and Menyuan were shortened by 0.24 d·a-1 and 0.15 d·a-1, respectively. The change trend of phenological period and growth stage length of spring rape was not the same, and the sensitivity to climate factor change was also different. The mean temperature was positively correlated with sowing stage, emergence stage and anthesis stage, and negatively correlated with maturity stage. The cumulative precipitation showed a significant positive correlation with sowing stage and emergence stage but a negative correlation with maturity stage. Similarly, cumulative sunshine hours were positively correlated with sowing stage and emergence stage in B. napus, but negatively correlated in B. rapa. Additionally, cumulative sunshine hours during the emergence stage exhibited a significant negative correlation with maturity stage.
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