Effect of crop residue incorporation on soil moisture and nutrient and maize growth and yield of arid farmland
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Key Words: cropresidue incorporation  soil moisture and nutrient  maize  growing  yield
钱凤魁1,黄 毅1,董婷婷2,孙 杰3 (1.沈阳农业大学 土地与环境学院 辽宁 沈阳 110866 2.辽宁省水利水电科学研究院 辽宁 沈阳 110003 3.沈阳市浑南新区水利局 辽宁 沈阳 110179) 
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      Taking Fuxin as the target area, this paper deals with the effect of crop residue incorporation on soil moisture and nutrient and maize yield of arid farmland, with five treatments of 0 kg·hm-2, 6 000 kg·hm-2, 12 000 kg·hm-2, 18 000 kg·hm-2, 24 0 00 kg·hm-2. We had 3 replications and 15 plots, each having an area of 60 m2. Results showed that soil moisture content increased markedly, saving 5%~45% of water as compared with CK (non residue incorporation). Soil bulk density varied significantly, showing a decreasing trend of 12 000 kg·hm-2>6 000 kg·hm-2>18 000 kg·hm-2, especially in the 10~20 cm depth Leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthetic efficiency were increased by crop residue incorporation, especially for the rate of 12 000 kg·hm-2. Crop residue incorporation showed substantial effect on maize yield, being positive within the range of 0~ 12 000 kg·hm-2 and suppressing above 18 000 kg·hm-2. It is thus recommended that the rate of 12 000 kg·hm-2 be optimum for maize production in the target area.