The risk evaluation of potato output in the dry-farming region
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Key Words: potato  relative fluctuation output  risk evaluation  regional division
Author NameAffiliation
BAI Mei-lan Inner Mongolia Climate Data CenterHuhhot 010051China 
HOU Qiong Inner Mongolia Meteorological InstituteHuhhot 010051China 
HAO Run-quan Inner Mongolia Climate Data CenterHuhhot 010051China 
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      In accordance with the evaluation criterious such as the output reduction rate in the past years, the variation coefficient and the probability of output reduction rate, and the synthesize risk, index this paper analyses the risk distribution law of potato yield in Wulanchabu pefecture in Inner Mongolia with the method of small grid resource calculation. Using the climate comparability theory and the optimal dynamic cluster method, the paper puts forward the regional division of potato production risk. Moreover, it analyses the factors that affect the output fluctuation of potato, and it is shown that the frequent occurrence of meteorological disasters is one of the main factors that cause the output fluctuation of potato in this area.