Study on ecological adaptability of the three introduced alfalfa cultivars in semi-arid area
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Key Words: alfalfa  introduced cultivar  resistance  ecological adaptability
Author NameAffiliation
HAN Lu Agricultural Research Center in the Arid and Semi-arid AreasNorthwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and ForestryYanglingShaanxi 712100ChinaInstitute of Plants Science and TechnologyTarim Agriculture Reclamation UniversityAlarXinjiang 843300China 
JIA Zhi-kuan Agricultural Research Center in the Arid and Semi-arid AreasNorthwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and ForestryYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
HAN Qing-fang Agricultural Research Center in the Arid and Semi-arid AreasNorthwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and ForestryYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
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      The experiment was conducted in2years to evaluate the growth characteristics,resistance, root system development ability,forage yield and nutritive value of three introduced alfalfa cultivars and Xinjiang large-leaf alfalfa.The results showed that the introduced cultivars performed better in the above characteristics than that of the domestic cultivar ( CK) ,in which,the cultivar of Vector showed the advantage of early maturity,strong regrowth ability,good resistance,high fresh forage yield,high content of crude protein and strong ecological adaptability,and it was an ideal cultivar to be extended on large scale in the semi-arid areas.