Advance in research on matter transfer in ecosystem of farmland
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Key Words: SPAC  soil-water  solute  ecosystem of farmland  soil erosion
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Zhi-rong .State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on Loess PlateauInstitute of Soil and Water ConservationCAS and MWRYangling Shaanxi 712100ChinaInstitute of Water Resources Xi’an University of Science and TechnologyXi’an 710048China 
ZHANG Xing-chang State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on Loess PlateauInstitute of Soil and Water ConservationCAS and MWRYangling Shaanxi 712100ChinaNorthw est Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and ForestryShaanxiYangling 712100China 
LI Jun State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on Loess PlateauInstitute of Soil and Water ConservationCAS and MWRYangling Shaanxi 712100ChinaNorthw est Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and ForestryShaanxiYangling 712100China 
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      The matter transfer in ecosystem of farmland involves the movement and transport of the water, solute, nutrient and bed-load with the system and among the subsystems. It has been paid more and more attentions all over the world in the fields of agriculture, water resources, environmental sciences and so on. In this paper, the recent researches on the movement and transport of the water, solute, nutrient and bed-load in farmland ecosystem are reviewed and the research prospects in future are pointed out.