The effect of intermittent water administration by point source on infiltration patterns
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Key Words: intermittent water administration  point-source irrigation  infiltration patterns
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Zhenhua The Geography and Resource Management College of Yan-Tai Normal universityYantaiShandong 264025China 
CAI Huanjie The Key Laboratory of Agriculture Soil and Water EngineeringNorthwestern Science and Technical University of Agriculture and ForestryYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
WANG Jian The Key Laboratory of Agriculture Soil and Water EngineeringNorthwestern Science and Technical University of Agriculture and ForestryYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
LI Qingzhi The Geography and Resource Management College of Yan-Tai Normal universityYantaiShandong 264025China 
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      Previous studies on water infiltration into soil under a point-source dealt mainly with a continuous irrigation. Experiments about water infiltration into soil from intermittent-administration by surface point source were studied in the laboratory. The results showed that the relationship of horizontal and vertical wetting front with infiltration time was remarkable power function. Compared with continuous water adminstration, intermittent water adminstration showed a obvious advantage in reducing water infiltration in horizon(15%) while still not significantly affecting horizontal distribution. When the same total amount of water was used, it was found that the three intermittent cycles (30 min, 60 min, 120 min) did not affect horizontal and vertical wetting fronts.