Drought tolerance analysis of 22 maize inbred lines
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Key Words: maize  fuzzy subordination  drought tolerance analysis
Author NameAffiliation
WEI Xiu-jian Life Science CollegeSichuan Agricultural University Ya’an, Sichuan 625014ChinaLife Science CollegeLiaocheng UniversityLiaocheng Shandong2520059China 
YANG Wan-shen Life Science CollegeSichuan Agricultural University Ya’an, Sichuan 625014China 
PAN Guang-tang Maize Research InstituteSichuan Agricultural UniversityYa’an, Sichuan 625014China 
FU Feng-ling Maize Research InstituteSichuan Agricultural UniversityYa’an, Sichuan 625014China 
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      Different concentrations of Polyethylene glycol (PEG) were chosen to simulate different degrees of drought which seedling stage might maize encounters. Six coefficients, POD activity, SOD activity, CAT activity, MDA content, Vc content and electric conductivity were measured, which relate to drought tolerance of 22 inbred lines. And analysis the relation among six indexes and the drought tolerance was made by fuzzy subordination method. The study showed that fuzzy subordination method can analysis the drought tolerance completely and avoid the shortage of single index.And R09,N87-1,9635,TF-1, and zhongzi 03 were drought tolerance and FS018-2,3222,S28, shen 137,963222,R08,48-2 and huang C were middle rate drought tolerance. The 9526、L16 and 9603 were low rate drought tolerance.