Exploitations and utilization of the plant resources in the arid desert regions of Gansu corridor
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Key Words: Gansu corridor  desert plant  plant resources
Author NameAffiliation
QIN Jia-hai Department of Agriculture Resource and Environment of Hexi UniversityZhangyeGansu 734000China 
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      The field investigation of Gansu corridor showed that the corridor had 181species, 81genera, and 23 families. Of them, 109 species, 63 genera and 20 families were dicotylodens, 22 species, 18 genera and 3 families were monocotyledons; 18 kinds of plants were medical plants, 18 kinds of plants were fodder plants, 7 kinds of plants were ornamental plants, 6 kinds of plants were fiber plants, 3 kinds of plants were tannin plants, and 2 kinds of plants were alkali-making plants.