Salt tolerance of early combinations in wheat diallel crossings
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Key Words: wheat  combinations  progeny in early generation  salt tolerance
Author NameAffiliation
LUO Ting-bin Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and GeographyChinese Academy of SciencesUrumqi 830011China 
REN Wei Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and GeographyChinese Academy of SciencesUrumqi 830011China 
LI Yan Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and GeographyChinese Academy of SciencesUrumqi 830011China 
WANG Bao-jun Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and GeographyChinese Academy of SciencesUrumqi 830011China 
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      The germination experiment of the F0 seeds of three hundred combinations obtained in 2003 was carried out with salt water to study the relationship of the consanguinity of the combinations with the salt tolerance of their progeny in earlier generation and thus explore the breeding approach of salt-tolerant lines. The results showed that of the 298 salt-tolerant combinations with their female parents belonging to salt-tolerant materials in late generations the germinated F0 seeds accounted for 49.33% and the well-performed combination was the combination of salt-tolerant materials ×(salt-tolerant materials × local materials) on the side of female parents; the plants with fruited spikes accounted for 6.33% of all the plants in F1 combinations; of the 19 combinations with fruited spikes, the consanguinity of the two best performed combinations was introduced materials ×salt tolerant materials; the consanguinity of the combinations with small blade top of the third leaves from top was the combinations of introduced materials× salt-tolerant materials; the combinations producing good seed yield were the combinations of introduced materials× salt-tolerant materials, and the combinations producing higher seed numbers were the triple-crossing combinations containing salt-tolerant materials; there were four combinations with more than 30 seeds per spike of which three were multi-crossing combinations. Therefore, the single-crossing combinations imbibing the consanguinity of salt-tolerant parental materials were beneficial to the salt tolerance of F1 plants, and the triple-crossing combinations were beneficial to raising the yield of F1.