The establishment of apple pest expert system of the Weibei Plateau
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Key Words: expert system  IPM  apple pest  weibei platoau
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Qian College of Plant ProtectionNorthwest Sci-tech University of Agriculture and ForestryYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
HUA Lei College of Plant ProtectionNorthwest Sci-tech University of Agriculture and ForestryYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
LI Hong-bo College of Plant ProtectionNorthwest Sci-tech University of Agriculture and ForestryYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
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      The author established the apple pest expert system about the Weibei plateau with .NET expert system. The major tool platform of .NET construct is Visual Studio .NET and Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000/2003, and other data base formats such as Microsoft Access etc. at the same time. The fruit growers gained orchard plant protection technology by the way of the network technology,which solved the application and popularization issue about plant diseases and insect pests integrated management technology. So,it is benefit for high quality apple no-harmful production on the Weibei plateau area.