Advances in drought-resistance and water-saving physiology, genetics and breeding of wheat
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Key Words: wheat  drought resistance and water saving  physiological genetics  breeding
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Juan College of AgronomyNorthwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and ForestryYanglingShaanxi712100ChinaCenter of Agricultural ResourceInstitute of Genetics and Developmental BiologyChina Academy of ScienceShijiazhuangHebei 050021China 
XIE Hui-min College of AgronomyNorthwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and ForestryYanglingShaanxi712100China 
ZHANG Zheng-bin Center of Agricultural ResourceInstitute of Genetics and Developmental BiologyChina Academy of ScienceShijiazhuangHebei 050021China 
XU Ping Center of Agricultural ResourceInstitute of Genetics and Developmental BiologyChina Academy of ScienceShijiazhuangHebei 050021China 
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      Examining and referring to more than eighty papers published in recent twenty years, the paper summarizes the advances in drought-resistance and water-saving physiology, genetics and breeding of wheat in terms of cultivar alternations, water-resistance and water-saving genetic and physiological mechanisms, and the latest research achievements, especially water-resistance and water-saving physiological and biochemical mechanisms, and points out that as drought-resistance and high-yield wheat breeding develops forward, its research focuses have been moving from the researches dealing with drought-resistance physiological genetics to the current ones dealing with water-resistance and water-saving genetics, and that improving water use efficiency of wheat by breeding measures has been becoming an important research field in water-saving farming.