Experimental study of infiltration of non-aqueous phase liquids in loess soil
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Key Words: NAPL  Loess soil  horizontal infiltration  accumulative infiltration capacity
Author NameAffiliation
SHI Xin-ling College of Resources and Environment ScienceNorthuest A & F UniversityCollege of Lif e ScienceNorthuest A & F University 
ZHANG Fu-cang Key Lab of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid and Semiarid AreasNorthwest A & F UniversityYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
WANG Guo-dong College of Lif e ScienceNorthuest A & F University 
JIA Gen-liang College of Lif e ScienceNorthuest A & F University 
WANG Lin College of Lif e ScienceNorthuest A & F University 
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      Using the method of horizontal column infiltration, unsaturated liquid infiltration characteristic of two kinds of NAPL (kerosene and PCE) in different texture soil were studied. The results showed that: there exist same infiltration characteristic of NAPL with water in soil, the curves of accumulative infiltration capacity of NAPL in different soil could be describe with equation of Koctiakov (F=atα); NAPL infiltration rate decrease with increase of soil clay content, showed sand soil>Huang mian soil>Lou soil; There was a large infiltration rate of PCE in soil comparing with kerosene, there may be the effect of dynamics viscosity; there have restrain function of soil compress on NAPL infiltration, NAPL infiltration rate decrease with increase of soil bulk density.