Occurrence and integrated management of the capsicum phytophthora in the semiarid region of Xinjiang
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Key Words: capsicum phytophthora  interplanting high-stalk crops  frequence of irrigation  ground-surface temperature  controlling measures  law of occurrence
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Shuang-xi Biorationalp esticide R&D center of Northwest A & F UniversityYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
LIAO Jian-jun Vegetables Research Institute of UrumchiUrumchiXinjiang 830011China 
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      oasisi-irrigation agriculture, the severity of the capsicum Phytophthora has close relationship with planting density, irrigating frequence and ground-surface temperature. Highly planting density and interplanting high-stalk crops such as corn can control the occurrence of the disease, because they can keep the ground-surface temperature much lower. Water plays some important roles in the occurrence severity of the disease. First ,high frequence of irrigation keeps the ground-surface temperature to be lower, that is unfavorable to burth of the spore ascus and swarm spore. Second , water promotes the spread of the spore ascus and swarm spore as a carrier of the germ.. The measures controlling the disease should be adopted, first the soil of the seedbed should be dealt with fungicides before growing seedlings, and then ridging capscium , rationally planting density or interplanting high-stalk crops in the growing field, followed by rational frequence of irrigating. The fungicides can be used to irrigate the root so capscium as a kind of auxiliary measure , and used on the initial stage of the disease occurrence.