Analysis on ecological water requirement in Minqin County in downstream region of Shiyang river
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Key Words: Shiyang river valley  ecological water requirement  ecosystem instauration
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Xiu-ying Wuwei Institute of Water ConservancyWuweiGansu 733000China 
ZHANG Xin .College of Water Conservancy and Architectural EngineeringNorthwest A&F UniversityYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
CAI Huan-jie .College of Water Conservancy and Architectural EngineeringNorthwest A&F UniversityYanglingShaanxi 712100China 
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      Based on the large-scale investigations and the trial data,as well as the research results and related analysis data in the last few years,from the viewpoint of system theory,the ecological water requirement in Minqin is calculated,and the suggests about the instauration of damaged ecosystem under certain water resources are put forward.