ANUDEM—A professional DEM interpolation software package
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Key Words: ANUDEM  DEM  interpolation algorithm  drainage enforcement algorithm
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Qin-ke Institute of Soil and Water Conservation Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources 26 Xinong Road Yangling 712100 Shaanxi Province China 
Tim R.Mcvicar CSIRO Land and Water GPO Box 1666 Canberra 2601 ACT Australia 
LI Ling-tao CSIRO Land and Water GPO Box 1666 Canberra 2601 ACT Australia 
Tom G.Van Niel SIROL and and Water Private Bag No.5 Wembley 6913 WA 
ZHANG Ca-i xia Institute of Soil and Water Conservation Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources 26 Xinong Road Yangling 712100 Shaanxi Province China 
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      Because it has become common to produce DEM using interpolation based on digitized topographic maps it is important to investigate DEM options.ANUDEM is an advanced software package that has been designed to produce digital elevation models(DEMs) from very large topographic data sets,including elevation contours,point elevations and streamlines.The basic algorithms include interpolation algorithm,roughness penalty algorithms,drainage enforcement and locally adaptive strategies.Errors in the input data can be diagnosed and an optimum grid resolution,matched to the density and accuracy of the input data,can be provided by the program.ANUDEM is very efficient and has been applied all over the world.We applied ANUDEM in loess hilly area to interpolate digital topographic maps,including contours,spot heights,and stream networks,the results show that hydrologically correct DEM can be generated,and the quality is much better DEM based on TIN approach,the complex eroded terrain can be sufficiently represented.