Monitoring drought dynamic variation based on temperature vegetation drought index in Qinghai high and cold area
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Key Words: Normalized Different Vegetation Index(NDVI)  Land Surface Temperature(Ts)  Temperature Vegetation Drought Index(TVDI)  drought  remote sensing monitoring
Author NameAffiliation
FENG Shu-qing Qinghai Institute of MeteorologyXining 810001China 
YIN Qing-jun Qinghai Institute of MeteorologyXining 810001China 
XIAO Jian-she Qinghai Institute of MeteorologyXining 810001China 
WU Su-xia Qinghai Institute of MeteorologyXining 810001China 
XIAO Ru-i xiang Qinghai Institute of MeteorologyXining 810001China 
SU Wen-jiang Qinghai Institute of MeteorologyXining 810001China 
ZHANG Wen-juan Qinghai Institute of MeteorologyXining 810001China 
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      Normalized Different Vegetation Index(NDVI) and Land Surface Temperature(Ts) were extracted from MODIS data,and were used to construct the NDVI-Ts space,from which the Temperature Vegetation Drought Index(TVDI) was obtained as drought index.The drought dynamic variation for the farming region of east shallow mountain in Qinghai in the first ten-day in July, 2004 was monitored,and compared with the simultaneously measured data of each observatory.The results indicated that it was feasible to monitor the drought dynamic variation in Qinghai high and cold area by using TVDI.