Influence of cultural practices on the population size of cotton mites and prevention and cure ways
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Key Words: cotton mites  farming measures  prevention and cure ways
Author NameAffiliation
DANG Yi-chun College of Agrornomy Shihezi UniversityShiheziXinjiang 832000China 
ZHAN Jian-ping College of Agrornomy Shihezi UniversityShiheziXinjiang 832000China 
YUAN Hui-xia College of Agrornomy Shihezi UniversityShiheziXinjiang 832000China 
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      Influence of cultural practices on the population size of cotton mites was stated.Different soil cultivation system,rotation,adjacent cultivation,fixed number of year for continual cultivation all exhibited significant influence on the population size of cotton mites.Through fall cultivation,winter irrigation could destroy the location where pest lived through the winter and it had significant affection to kill some pest which live through the winter and reduce cardinal number.The fixed numbers of year for continual cultivation too long the population size of cotton mites to many.The former batch is monocotyledon plant include wheat,corn etc cotton mites appeared late and light,but former batch is dicotyledon plant conclude legume,etc cotton mites early and heavy.Adjacent field is wheat had mites less than adjacent field is clover.Water and nitrogen have different influence on the population size of cotton mites