Study on the feature of Juniperus rigida community in Fugu Nature Reserve in Shaanxi Province
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Key Words: Juniperus rigida Nature Reserve  Juniperus rigida community  community characteristics  geographical elements  Fugu county
Author NameAffiliation
CHU Shengli College of Life Sciences Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,China 
LI Dengwu College of Forestry Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,China 
LI Jingxia College of Forestry Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,China 
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      With quadrat sampling method the results study on the feature of Juniperus rigida community in Fugu Nature Reserve showed that:There are diversified plants in the community of Juniperus rigida?and its family and genus are of simple compositions.Their floral composition is quite complicated.In terms of genus geographical elements?many of them are distributed in temperate zones.According to Raunkiaer’s statistics of life-form?the life-form hemicryptophyte of this community numbers first?and the nanophanerophyte second. The features of the community leaf is mainly microphyll?simple?herbaceous and unentire.The vertical structure of community is relatively simple which can be divided into tree layer?shrub layer and herb layer as well as few number of interstratum plants.The species diversity index of different layers shows:herb layer>shrub layer> tree layer.The population of Juniperus rigida is declining.