Evaluation of heavy metal contents of apple orchard soil in the major apple production area of Shaanxi
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Key Words: apple orchard soil  heavy metal pollution  Shaanxi
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Zilong College of Chemical Engineering Shihezi University, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832003China 
ZHAO Zhengyang College of HorticultureNorthwest A & F UniversityYanglingShaanxi 712100 China 
ZHANG Cuihua College of HorticultureNorthwest A & F UniversityYanglingShaanxi 712100 China 
LIANG Jun College of HorticultureNorthwest A & F UniversityYanglingShaanxi 712100 China 
GAO Hua College of HorticultureNorthwest A & F UniversityYanglingShaanxi 712100 China 
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      The contents of soil heavy metals of apple orchards were monitored and analyzed on 47 soil sam- ples in apple orchards of 16 counties of Shaanxi. The result of test showed that the detection rates of Cd,Cr, Cu, Pb,Hq and As were 100%,but the amounts were all below the permitted level of no-harmful apple pro ducing environmental standard; according to the permitted level of green apple producing env ironmental stan dard, the values of the single item pollution index of the soil heavy metals w ere all smaller than 1 except one soil sample As,whose index was 1.03. For 47 soil samples, the values of comprehensive index w ere all smaller than 0.56, belonging to clean grade. As is the focal point to be monitored and controlled from now on.