Application of peat resources to culture mediums in Weibei region of Shaanxi Province
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Key Words: peat  clay  culture matrix  yields  root/ shoot ratio
Author NameAffiliation
GAO Huiyi College of Resources and EnvironmentNorthwest A &. F University YanglingShaanxi 712100 
WANG Yiquan College of Resources and EnvironmentNorthwest A &. F University YanglingShaanxi 712100 
GUO Shengli College of Resources and EnvironmentNorthwest A &. F University YanglingShaanxi 712100
Institute of Soil and W ater Consero ation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources Yangling, Shaanxi 712100China 
LIU Wenzhao College of Resources and EnvironmentNorthwest A &. F University YanglingShaanxi 712100
Institute of Soil and W ater Consero ation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources Yangling, Shaanxi 712100China 
NIU Zhaoqun College of Resources and EnvironmentNorthwest A &. F University YanglingShaanxi 712100 
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      In order to learn artificial cultiv ation substrate compositions,crops w ere planted on different mixed subst rates w hich are made of different proportion of peat in Binxian,oil shale in Tongchuan and clay layer of Lou soil in middle Shaanxi and treatments were made with some measures. The treat ments are ev aluat ed through the biomass,root-shoot ratio and yield of the crops. The dissoluble salt content of peat and oil shale is high. It can dilute salt to append certain amount of clay, but the amount of clay needs to be cont rolled to keep the advantage of peat and oil shale. If it doesn t reduce organic matters, eluviating salt with water is another choice. Adding some clay can also lessen the acidity of oil shale. In the treatment of small granule clays,the yield of greengrocery is the highest in the PS3 plan in w hich adding 8% oil shale to the corresponding soil with a low level of peat helps to the greatest growth and, on the contrary,adding lime or in high temperature treat ments. In the treat ment of large granule clays, the yield of greengrocery was the highest in the PB2 plan which is the best cooperative scheme. The yield of root and the greengrocery with the rate of root to cap equaling to 0.03 or between 0.07 to 0.08 was the highest in the PS1 plan.