Dynamic analysis of soil nitrogen factors of typical farmland in blacksoil region
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Key Words: soil nutrients  soil total nitrogen  soil alkali-hydroly sable nitrogen  spatial distribution
Author NameAffiliation
YIN Sheng Resources and Environment Institute, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150030 China 
ZHAO Jun Heilongjiang Key Laboratory of Blacksoil Ecology Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin Heilongjiang 150081 China 
GU Siyu Resources and Environment Institute, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150030 China 
GE Cuiping Heilongjiang Key Laboratory of Blacksoil Ecology Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin Heilongjiang 150081 China
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049 China 
ZHANG Lei Heilongjiang Key Laboratory of Blacksoil Ecology Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin Heilongjiang 150081 China
Northeast Forestry UniversityHarbin, Heilongjiang 150040 China 
ZHANG Wencheng Shuangcheng Center of Agricultural Technology TransferShuangcheng Heilongjiang 150100 China 
BEN Hongdong Shuangcheng Center of Agricultural Technology TransferShuangcheng Heilongjiang 150100 China 
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      Soil total nitrogen (TN) content and soil alkali hydrolysable nitrogen content(AN) of farmland in Shuangcheng w ere studied. 500 soil samples w ere taken from the field with the soil layer of 0~20 cm,and got the map of soil nitrogen variance in 2005. The maps of soil TN and AN (1:50000) in the 1980s w ere digi-tized and overlaid with the correspondent maps of 2005 using ArcMap. The results of geostat ist ics analysis showed that both of them w ere a relative significantly spat ial heterogeneity,mainly affected by factors of struc-tures. In the past 22 years' succession survey for soil quantities from 1980s, TN and AN show increase. The average valueof TN in 2005 was 1.86 g/kg,increasing by 0.36 g/ kg, with the amplitude 24%; while the av-erage value of AN in 2005 was 137.8 mg/ kg, increasing by 16.8 mg/ kg with the amplitude 13. 9%. This anal-ysis is very useful to help farmers use fertilizer properly,improve soil quality and preserve ecological environ-ment.