Climate change and human activities of Gonghe Basin and its impact on eco-environment
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Key Words: Gonghe Basin  grassland  climate warm desiccation  climatic change  grassland desertification
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Lianyun Hainan Prefectural Meteorological BereauGongheQinghai 813000China 
DING Shengxiang Qinghai Province Tongde Courty Meteorological BureauTongdeQinghai 813201China 
WANG Qingchun Qinghai Provincial Climate CenterXi’ningQinghai 810001China 
Hits: 1948
Download times: 370
      Gonghe Basin is located in the upper reach of the Yellow River and is the source of the River.In the recent several dozens of years, degeneration is serious in the area and the desertification development is extremely bad.The worsening of the local ecological environment is directly threatening the normal work of Longyang Xia reservoir, and it also causes the worsening of ecological environment of the Qinghai Lake.Statistical data of monthly average temperature and precipitation from 2 weather stations in Gonghe Basin and Guinan from 1961~2006 are used to analyze the annual and seasonal climate characteristics and the climatic change tendency, and examination is carried on to the climate sudden change.The results indicate that, in the nearly 46 years, there is a tendency of temperature ascension, slight precipitation increase and transpiration rate increases in the Gonghe Basins, and the tendency is more obvious in late 1990s.This kind of climatic change tendency has accelerated the degeneration and the desertification of the basin.At the same time, under climate warm desiccation background, the human's activities intensify such a tendency.