Investigation of agricultural non-point source pollution in Ningxia irrigation district and analysis of its factors
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Key Words: Ningxia  irrigation district  agricultural non-point source pollution  present situation  factor analysis
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Shujing Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture CAAS, Beijing 100081, China 
ZHANG Aiping Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture CAAS, Beijing 100081, China 
YANG Shiqi Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture CAAS, Beijing 100081, China 
YANG Zhengli Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture CAAS, Beijing 100081, China 
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      The research on ANSP in Ningxia irrigation district has a practical significance on pollution control and protection of the Yellow River water safety.Mainly through the investigation on ANSP in Ningxia irrigation district, it revealed the current pollution status in the district and analyzed the main factors of forming agricultural non-point source pollution.Then it pointed out that with the runoff or drainage into the Yellow River, different agricultural pollution from agricultural fertilization, pesticide application, intensive culture and plastic film, etc.resulted in deterioration of water quality.