Analysis on climate warming in extreme arid area and the variation trend of crop planting structure——Taking Dunhuang in Gansu Province as an example
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Key Words: extreme arid area  warming  planting structure  variation trend
Author NameAffiliation
GAO Zhenrong Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province, Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Reducing Disaster of CMA, Institute of Arid Meteorology, China Meteorology Administration, Lanzhou, Gansu 730020, China
Jiuquan Meteorological Bureau, Jiuquan, Gansu 735000, China 
LIU Xiaoyun Jiuquan Meteorological Bureau, Jiuquan, Gansu 735000, China 
YANG Qinghua Jiuquan Meteorological Bureau, Jiuquan, Gansu 735000, China 
WANG Xiufen Jiuquan Meteorological Bureau, Jiuquan, Gansu 735000, China 
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      Based on the surface observation data of Dunhuang which is national basic station from 1971 to 2008, using temperature anomaly time series and linear trend fitting, the variation trend of the annual mean temper ature, the annual mean maximum temperature, the annual mean minimum temperature, and the accumulated temperature ≥10℃ is analyzed. The results show that the three former present a wavelike rising trends, their increasing rates are 0.46℃/10a, 0.38℃/10a and 0.6℃/10a respectively, while the accumulated temperature ≥10℃ shows a significant rising trend. Using crop acreage data from Dunhuang Municipal Statistical Bureau, the temporal evolution sequence is analyzed. Influenc ed by social demand increase and climate warming, the grain, cotton and vegetable planting structures take basic changes, and a inflection point about grain, cotton planting area happened since 1998. The sequential placement of the crop planting structure is grain, cotton and vegetable before 1990s, while it becomes cotton, vegetable and grain since 21st century. So, social demand increase and climate warming change to the crop planting structure in the extreme arid regions obviously.