Effects of PAAC specifically contained in dune reed on maize seedling leaf photosynthesis and protein oxidation injury under drought stress
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Key Words: drought stress  PAAC  chlorophyll fluorescence  photosynthesis  stomatal conductance  protein oxida-tion injury
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Zhenbin College of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China 
YI Wanwei College of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China 
PU Tongliang College of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China 
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      This paper studied the effects of the special polyamine aromatic compound(PAAC)on relative water content, main photosynthetic parameters , chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and protein oxidation injury of two different genotypes maize in seedling stage under well-watered and drought stress, via sand culture experiment . During the culture stage, maize leaves were sprayed with PAAC solution. Ascertain the function of these physiology indexes on evaluating drought-resistance of crop at seedling stage. Comparison was also made with the betaine treatment to study the effects of the inclusion on protein oxidation injury. The results show that spraying PAAC solution on leaves can significantly reduce the increasing of carbonyl content of plant leaves protein under drought stress. It suggest that the inclution can be effec-tively reduced the level of protein oxidation indury in plants under drought stress, and simultaneous measure the leaf RWC, found that the relative water content of PAAC-treated seedings are higher than others, which shows PAAC re-duce water loss. When the plants are under moderate drought stress , the PAAC significantly slows down the photosynthet-ic efficiency reduction. Furthermore, the values of Fv/ Fm, qP and ETR are also significantly higher than the control in the same period. It suggests that the PAAC can protect PS I photochemical activity, maintain physiological function of plants and enhance the drought resistant capacity of crops.