Effects of limited supplementary irrigation using catchment rainfall on accumulation and distribution of dry matter and yield of potato in Longzhong semiarid area
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Key Words: rainfed potato  limited supplementary imigation with catchment rainfall  accumulation and distribution of dry matter  yield
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Zhen Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic & Gemplasm Enhancement, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070
Agronomy CollegeCansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
QIN Shuhao Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic & Gemplasm Enhancement, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070
Agronomy CollegeCansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
WANG Di Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic & Gemplasm Enhancement, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070
Agronomy CollegeCansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
ZHANG Junlian Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic & Gemplasm Enhancement, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070
Agronomy CollegeCansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
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      The effect of limited supplementary irrigation with catchment rainfall on dry matter accumulation and dis-tribution and yield of potato in arid region under field condition was studied. The results showed that the yield of potato increased and corresponding economical coeffcient also improved when using limited supplementary irrigation. Compared with the control,the increase amplitude of yield was between 3.91 % and 21 .21 % . There had significant compensation effect on yield of potato between seedling stage supplementary irmigation of 45 mm and 90 mm, but dry matter accumula-tion was not significantly different from the control. However, it showed larger transportation amount and higher distribu-tion rate of dry matter after anthesis,which would be beneficial to the nutrient accumulation of tuber. The accumulation amount and distribution rate of dry matter were lower in tuber enlargement stage under 45 mm and 90 mm supplemental irrigation, there were no remarkable yield- increasing effects.