Techniques of planting spring maize with fallen stalk in both sides of strip film mulching in no-tillage dryland and their application prospects
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Key Words: spring maize on dryland  no-tillage land mulched with fallen stalk  strip mulching  planting in both sides of mulch
Author NameAffiliation
XUE Shaoping College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A & F UniverityYangling Shaanxi 712100China 
HAN Shaoming Center of Agricultrual Technology, Qianxian, Shaanxi 713300China 
QIAO Zhirong Popularization Station of Agricultural Machinery, Jingbian, Shaanxi 718500China 
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      In order to maximize the accumulation and preserve of limited natural rainfall in the soil and to increase its efficiency of usage at all possible ways, field experiments and large-scale demonstrations were combined and tech-niques of planting spring maize with fallen stalk in both sides of strip film mulching in n-tillage dryland,which coupled two techniques of no-tlling with fallen stalk mulched in winter fallow period and planting in both sides of strip-mulching film in growth period, were used to regulate water, fertilizer, air and heat in dryland and to fully utilize natural rainfall. Therefore, the spring maize grew healthily and its yield increased significantly and water utilization rate reached the maxi-mum,Meanwhile, these techniques had effects of increasing organic matter in soil and decreasing sand and dust and im-proving ecological environment and promoting sustainable agricultural development, thus, they had wide application prospects.