Dynamics of soil water and temperature under conservational soil tillage
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Key Words: arable black soil  conservational tillage  soil water  soil temperature  dynamic
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Shuang Norheast Instiute of Geography and AgroecologyChinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150081, China
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 China 
ZHANG Xingyi Norheast Instiute of Geography and AgroecologyChinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150081, China 
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      Based on a long term field experiment in the northeast arable black soil, the soil water and temperature was monitored continuously, the dynamics of soil water and temperature under conservational soil tillage was studied. The results showed that no-tillage with mulch (NTS) could increase soil water content in 0 ~ 50 cm, the highest average volu-metric soil water content in 0 ~ 20 cm layer was three and ten percent points higher than that of reduced tllage(RT) and conventional tllage(CT), respectively, especially during the stage of sowing. The average daily soil temperature in 0~10 cm layer of RT was higher than that of NTS and CT . The highest average daily soil temperature of RT at 5 cm depth was 3.04C and 5.279 higher than that of NTS and CT, respectively. The results of soil and water dynamics under three different tillage systems indicated RT was the optimum soil tillage operation in the arid black soil area of China.