Comparison of calculating methods of forage crop water requirement and correlation analysis in the grassland of Xilinguole
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Key Words: crop water requirement  forage crop  water balance method  Penman-Monteith equation  Mdified Pen-man equation
Author NameAffiliation
ZHENG Hexiang Institute of Water Resources for Pastoral Area, Ministry of Water ResourcesHohhotInner Mongolia 010020China 
GUO Kezhen Institute of Water Resources for Pastoral Area, Ministry of Water ResourcesHohhotInner Mongolia 010020China 
SHI Haibin College of Water Conservancy and Civil EngineeringInner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010018China 
YANG Maogong Water Conservancy Engineering Bureau of OrdosOrdos, 017000, China 
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      According to the observation data and weather data in typical grassland in Xilinguole of Inner Mongolia from 2004~2005, crop water requirement was calculated directly by water balance method. Also, crop water require- ment was calculated indirectly by crop coefficient Kc and Penman- Monteith equation, Modified Penman, Blaney-Criddle, Hargreaves, Priestley-Taylor and Markkink. Applying several methods to calculate crop water requirement, the results of every ten days were evaluated by correlation analysis, the results of six kinds method of forage crop water requirement were evaluated by Penman-Monteith method and mutual conversion was carried out by Penman-Monteith method and other six methods according to the regression equation, and the accuracy of the results of regression equation was proved high with the data measured in 2006.