Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and water coupling on cotton yield in the arid region of Xinjiang
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Key Words: cotton  water and fertilizer coupling  mathematics model  yield effects
Author NameAffiliation
LI Pan Institue of Soil and Ferilizer, Xinjiang Academy of Agriculturd SciencesUrnmuqi, Xinjang 80000, China 
JI Hengying College of Ljfe Science and ChemistryXinjiang Normal University Urumuqi, Xinjiang 830046China 
MA Xingwang Institue of Soil and Ferilizer, Xinjiang Academy of Agriculturd SciencesUrnmuqi, Xinjang 80000, China 
YANG Tao Institue of Soil and Ferilizer, Xinjiang Academy of Agriculturd SciencesUrnmuqi, Xinjang 80000, China 
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      Artificial water control experiments in cotton field were conducted in arid region of Xingjiang to study the effect of water and fertilizer coupling on cotton yield with 3 factors and 5 levels of 311-B quasi-plump .The order of vari-ous factors impacting on the production was water(X1)>N(X2)>P(X3). The effect of irrigation quantity ranked first,followed by nitrogen and phosphorus in the trials; the order of interaction effect of various factors was WN>WP>NP. It showed that nitrogen had leading function in crop growth under different irrigation conditions. Interaction efect of various factors promoted yield, and the interaction effect between nutrient factors as well as water was higher than N and P. The results showed that the amount for highest yield 4 707.94 kg/ hm2 was nitrogen 281.76 kg/hm2, phosphorus 104. 73 kg/ hm2and water 5 765. 24 m3/hm2