Mathematical model of optimal fertilization for sweet buckwheat in semiarid rain-fed region in central Gansu
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Key Words: sweet buckwheat  optimum cultivation  fertilization scheme  mathematical model
Author NameAffiliation
MA Ning Agricultural Technology Center of Dingxi City, Dingxi, Gansu 743000, China 
LIU Jieying Agricultural Technology Center of Dingxi City, Dingxi, Gansu 743000, China 
JIA Ruilin Agricultural Technology Center of Dingxi City, Dingxi, Gansu 743000, China 
WEI Liping Agricultural Technology Center of Dingxi City, Dingxi, Gansu 743000, China 
CHEN Fu Agricultural Technology Center of Dingxi City, Dingxi, Gansu 743000, China 
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      A function model for yield and net income were established by using quadratic general rotary unitized design. The relation of yield and net income of sweet buckwheat and application amount of N, P and K were studied. The main and interaction effects of each factor on yield and net income were analyzed. The optimization calculation indicated that the optimum fertilizing scheme for yield over 3 000 kg/ hm2 was nitrogen application of 152.5~180.8 kg/hm2,phosphorus application of 139.1 ~172 .0 kg/hm2 and potassium application of 91.6~133.4 kg/hm2,and the optimum fertilizing scheme for net income over 2 250 yuan/hm2 was nitrogen application of 156.5~191.5 kg/ hm2, phosphorus application of 76.3~148.7 kg/hm2 and potassium application of 2.9 ~ 20.2 kg/ hm2.