Experimental study on reasonable irrigation water for mature grape-vine during germination period in extremely arid region
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Key Words: grape-vine  irrigation water  deep irrigation  the method of boundary-benefit analysis  germination rate  arid region
Author NameAffiliation
LI Tao Water Resources Research Institute Xi’an Uniwersity of Technology, Xi’ an, Shaanxi 710048, China 
ZHANG Jianfeng Water Resources Research Institute Xi’an Uniwersity of Technology, Xi’ an, Shaanxi 710048, China 
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      In the extremely arid climate and coarse texture soil containing stone, in order to find out the reasonable irrigation water for mature grape-vine in germination period, under the condition of deep-pit irrigation with six different treatments,the relationship between germination rate and irrigation was analyzed with the method of boundary benefit analysis. The main findings are as follows: The more irigation water in germination period, the better uniformity of ger-mination and the less irrigation water in germination period, the worse uniformity of gemination. Both the function of wa-ter traits and the function of water traits efficiency was established. The maximum qermination rate was 78.25%0 with an irrigation water of 62 844 m3/ hm2,and the maximum water traits eficiency with an irigation water of 54 545 m3/hm2. The range of reasonable imigation quota for grape vine was from 54 545 m/hm2 to 62 844 m/hm2.