Affecting factors of precipitation infiltration depth in the field
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Key Words: infiltration  precipitation  soil moisture  time after the rain  soil texture
Author NameAffiliation
FANG Wensong Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Safeguard and Applied Technique, CMA&Henan, Henan Institute of Meterorological Science, Zhengzhou 450003, China 
LIU Ronghua Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Safeguard and Applied Technique, CMA&Henan, Henan Institute of Meterorological Science, Zhengzhou 450003, China 
ZHU Zixi Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Safeguard and Applied Technique, CMA&Henan, Henan Institute of Meterorological Science, Zhengzhou 450003, China 
MA Zhihong Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Safeguard and Applied Technique, CMA&Henan, Henan Institute of Meterorological Science, Zhengzhou 450003, China 
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      Based on the theory of water balance in farmland and brimming infiltration, the relationship between precipitation infiltration de pth and its impact factor was analyzed by taking use of soil moisture monitoring data from 2006~2009 of four sites of automatic soil water observation stations as well as water infiltration model. The results showed that there existed a linear relationship between infiltration depth and initial soil water content, amount of individual precipitation process, and the days after precipitation, and it increased with the increase of three factors, especially with initial soil water content. Infiltration depth was also affected by soil texture. With soil texture getting heavier or from sandy to clay, the infiltration depth decreased.