Study on cotton yield and components in apricot-cotton intercropping system
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Key Words: apricot-cotton intercropping  cotton  dry matter  yield
Author NameAffiliation
WEI Hongguo Research Center of Cotton Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China 
WANG Fei Research Center of Cotton Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China 
ZHANG Jusong Research Center of Cotton Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China 
WANG Jun Research Center of Cotton Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China 
CAO Gongli Center of Agricultural Technique Extension of Puhu County, Kashi, Kashi, Xinjiang 844000, China 
JING Bi Research Center of Cotton Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China 
YU Yongjiang Research Center of Cotton Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China 
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      Under the natural environment in south Xinjiang, we studied the effect of apricot-cotton intercropping on cotton yield and yield components, aimed at providing the theoretical basis for efficient cultivation technology of cotton in the apricot-cotton intercropping system. The results showed: The LAI of intercropped cotton was lower than that of sole cotton through the whole growth stage, and the peak of LAI appeared earlier and LAI of intercropped cotton decreased slowly at the later stage, and was lower than that of sole cotton by 15.9%; There was a close relation between leaf Pn and its SPAD value, before peak flowering, both the leaf Pn of intercropped cotton and sole cotton increased fast and so was the leaf SPAD value, but both of which were lower than that of sole cotton; The fast accumulating period of dry matter above ground of intercropped cotton was shorter than that of the sole cotton by 10.7 days, and t he max dry matter accumulation time of intercropped cotton appeared earlier than that of sole cotton by 4.7 days, and the max dry matter accumulation amount was less than that of the sole cotton by 0.42 g per plant; The ratio of the three kinds of bolls of intercropped cotton was 0.14∶1∶0.14, and the lint yield was 1 395.3 kg/hm2 lower than that of the sole cotton by 41.2%; The economic income of intercropped cotton is higher than that of the sole cotton by 37.8%.