Effect of different water and nitrogen supply on yield and its components of cotton in inland irrigation district of Hexi in Gansu
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Key Words: cotton  irrigation  nitrogen  component factor  yield
Author NameAffiliation
FENG Keyun Insitute of CropsGansu Academy of Agricultural SciencesGansu, Larzhou 730070China 
ZHANG Bingxian Insitute of CropsGansu Academy of Agricultural SciencesGansu, Larzhou 730070China 
NAN Hongyu Insitute of CropsGansu Academy of Agricultural SciencesGansu, Larzhou 730070China 
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      In order to detemine the impact of irrigation and nitrogen supply on yield and its components of cotton, 3 treatments of irrigation and 5 treatments of nitrogen supply levels were used. The test variety is Longmian No.2. The re-sults showed that irigation and nitrogen supply affected the boll number per plant,boll weight and lint percentage, and ultimately the yield of cotton. Irrigation mainly affected the boll number per plant of cotton. With the increase of irriga-tion, the number of bolls increased correspondingly, but the period of fertility extended, thereby reducing the flowering rate before frost. Nitrogen supply mainly affected the number of bolls per plant,boll weight and lint percentage of cotton plant. Of all treatments, the application of nitrogen and no nitrogen, the yield difference reached a very sigmificant level. However, to play the best nitrogen supply efficiency, we must strictly control irmigation. In the conditions of 61.37 mg/ kg N content in the soil and nomal application of P,K fertilizer, an irmigation rate of 3 600 m3 /hm2 and a N applica-tion rate of 350.0 kg/hm2 could make the highest yield of cotton.