Influence of drip irrigation underneath mulching film on growth and yield of spring potato in Yunnan
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Key Words: potato  plastic film mulching  drip irrigation  drip irrigation underneath film mulching  Yunnan
Author NameAffiliation
LONG Ruiping Root & Tuber Crops Research InstituteYunnan Agricultural University, Kuming Yunnan 650201, China 
XIAO Jiping Root & Tuber Crops Research InstituteYunnan Agricultural University, Kuming Yunnan 650201, China 
GUO Huachun Root & Tuber Crops Research InstituteYunnan Agricultural University, Kuming Yunnan 650201, China 
RUAN Zhongxian Root & Tuber Crops Research InstituteYunnan Agricultural University, Kuming Yunnan 650201, China 
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      The influence of cultivation patterns of plastic film mulching, drip irmigation and drip irrigation underneath mulching film on the growth and yield of spring sowing potato in Yunnan was studied. The results indicated that under the drip irrigation potato sprouted early, the rates of seedling emergence and the big tubers were high,and the yield reached 3 557.59 kg/ 666.7m2, increasing by 58% compared with control. The yield and economic benefit increased remarkablely. Due to higher soil temperature in methods of plastic film mulching and drip irrigation underneath mulching film,it had lower rate of seedling emergence because of rotten tuber; meanwhile the plastic film mulching could promote the growth of stems and leaves, decreased the harvest index,resulting in yield decrease. Drip irmigation proved an effective cultivation pattern to solve the drought problem in the early period of potato planting, which could be applied, while the ideal cultiva-tion pattern of film mulching for spring potato in Yunnan needs further study.