Effect of PAM aquasorbent and nano-montmorillonite on theaboveground biomass of planting herbage in orchard
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Key Words: PAM aquasorbent  nano-montmorillonite  aboveground biomass  orchard
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Qun Institute for Horticulture Plants, China Agricultural University/Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology for Fruit Trees, Beijing 100193, China 
WANG Yi Institute for Horticulture Plants, China Agricultural University/Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology for Fruit Trees, Beijing 100193, China 
ZHANG Xinzhong Institute for Horticulture Plants, China Agricultural University/Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology for Fruit Trees, Beijing 100193, China 
HAN Zhenhai Institute for Horticulture Plants, China Agricultural University/Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology for Fruit Trees, Beijing 100193, China 
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      With the water-saving purpose of orchard grass, a field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different amount of PAM aquasorbent(0, 4, 8 g/m2 and 12 g/m2)and different amount of nano-montmorillonite(0, 150, 300 g/m2 and 450 g/m2)o n the aboveground biomass of different kinds of grass(Alfalfa, Ryegrass, White Clover). The results indicate that under 50% usual irrigation quantity condition, the use of PAM aquasorbent can significantly in-crease the total aboveground biomass of the three kind of grasses and the suitable amount is 8 g/m2, while under the usu-al irrigation quantity condition, PAM aquasorbent should not be applied. The nano-montmorillonite is good for the in-crease of the total aboveground biomass, when the irrigation quantity was 50% of the usual irrigation quantity. The appropriate amount for the three kinds of grass is 150 g/m2, under the usual irrigation quantity, different kinds of grass need different amount, and 300 g/m2 is appropriate for White Clover, as for Alfalfa and Ryegrass, the amount of 450 g/m2 is suitable.